
Attached: A5FC3E4C-5252-4FED-A354-7C22DF959DD5.jpg (598x574, 29.52K)


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if you're gonna make a booba thread then post booba you faggot

Attached: 1602031302021.png (469x452, 276.67K)

Repent, coomer scums

No this is a POOPA thread

Attached: Elhm_tAW0AEWQBu.jpg (594x565, 28.75K)

Attached: BOOBA.jpg (598x574, 26.26K)


Attached: E3238C72-720F-4328-80C5-1C121DBC5BF4.jpg (594x565, 34.68K)

Cooming to not hypersexual pictures okay

Attached: aDVgbRVl_700w_0.jpg (700x937, 139.38K)

Women do this all the time when we're not around. Last girl I was with said she'd only been with a few guys, but so many women she couldn't even count. And she was definitely lying about the first part.

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The whole point of booba is to destroy faggot OPs who are starting threads with images of thots.
If you start a thread specifically to post booba, you are missing the point of booba.

Attached: hbz.jpg (600x882, 125.25K)

nigger its no nut november

Attached: plenty o'toole.jpg (650x946, 99.75K)

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This board is just b but more racist

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>He needs a meme month for not coomin'
Already lost cause

Attached: aubrey-kate-attends-the-2020-xbiz-awards-at-hotel-westin-bonaventure-in-los-angeles-usa-on-16-january-2020-usage-worldwide-2ANWJ0K.jpg (866x1390, 98.1K)

Built for BWC

this is true booba

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This isn’t a slide thread. This is a degeneracy thread. Don’t fall for the coomer

Nice try, troon faggot.

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Congratulations, you've attained enlightenment.

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cringiest meme

this is the Official FEETA™ pic

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All Latinas are

Attached: unnamed.jpg (356x512, 58.88K)

You sound like a cuck

Fucking Pajeet
Please fuckoff

Attached: waifu.png (400x400, 220.02K)

Reminder that was a thing on Zig Forums

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I know, right?

Attached: EWIqTf_XkAEtzOx.jpg (399x399, 20.85K)

I ignore women completely now.