Liberals unironically think this is bad. It just makes him even more endearing.
Based Trump
Other urls found in this thread:
>threat to america
yes, they are going to ride those donkeys and camels over here, are they?
Fucking based why is this loser presenting this information as if it’s a negative thing?
Mileys Taylor told us: I'm a faggot and I like sucking kike dick.
>Demoshits are unironically upset that Trump is cleaning up the remainder of Dubya’s pointless mess
What the fuck is wrong with these “people”?
Lol these tweets are helping Trump.
> Let's get the hell out of despite persistent terror threats to America
Woah woah woah cool it with the racism
>Democrats for never ending war abroad
stoping pointless wars are now something bad? I need a lefty to explain this to me.
>Trump told us: Only let the “good” asylum-seekers in, not the ones with “missing toes” or “funny foreheads.”
>rump told us: Gas migrants at the border to keep them away & electrify the Wall to shock them if they touch it.
>Trump told us: Make the spikes on top of the Wall so sharp that they pierce human flesh in the most gruesome way to scare away other migrants. Make sure there are pictures of it.
>Trump told us: Build a castle-like mote across the border in front of the Wall.
>Trump told us: Deploy alligators & snakes in the border “mote” to attack migrants. How much would it cost to maintain that?
Trumpslide confirmed.
Lmao its kinda like when Obama told Mitt Romney to stop talking about Russia like its the cold war. Now they are on conspiracy theory levels of crazy with it.
>Trump told us: Bus thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants (especially those with criminal records) to Democratic sanctuary cities to create instability and strife. (2 of 25)
I see nothing wrong with this. If they want illegals, let them have all the illegals and see what happens.
Most leftist just follow what their masters say, even if that comes to a detriment of the people and the profit of the military industrial complex.
>lol terrorism is a threat that's why we indefinitely occupy asian nations, bomb the fucking shit out of them, commit genocide and atrocities against local populations, destabilise their functional governments, fund extremist groups to maintain turmoil so we can build pipelines to steal their gas and oil and ensure it is privately managed by multibillion dollar transnational resource cartels so that their share price can go up 0.004% next financial quarter and benefits no one else. This is God's plan!
>whitey here.
>You wouldn't say the shit you say here online to our faces.
>We used to literally enslave niggers in the not so distant past and if they got rude we would whip them up with 12 inch switches.
>We run the world, and we're breeding all the girls left and right. White male - White female is the most desirable marriage group in the Universe.
>Isn't it funny how all the niggers are online on MSM websites like reddlt and Twitter. One black man can require the assistance of up 10 whites to operate a computer.
>Tell me why I shouldn't laugh at niggers when we colonised their lands, acquired their resources, sorted the geographic territory, managed their populations? We're only handing out the favours to an inferior class of life
I remember that lol. Now Putin is the boogeyman
replace threat to America with Israel for more truthfulness mike
Nice of you to post a twitter thread of the NY Times Op-Ed "Anonymous" author who also wrote "A Warning"
Very nice indeed user. Proud of you.
>neocons still trying to keep the war in Afghanistan going
How? Why? What sort of mindset is this? How do you get this insane? Its over.
20 fucking years. Just why?
oh noeees, trump isn't tying us up into endless war! Someone do something about it.
Obama ruined the left.
He was literally GWB and instead of admitting they became GWB too.
I've never seen anything like it.
>Syria terror threat to USA
jesus fucking christ i hate these people so fucking much
For those anons that are unaware, this cuck is Anonymous.
Yes I'm phone fagging. Don't care.
I thought this faggot said these were "illegal" activities. I genuinely think he should get the rope for being a traitor.
He's the NY Times Op-Ed Anonymous author. Rope.
Syria was never a terror threat to the United States. The United States was and is a terror threat to Syria.
It's the weirdest thing how even the common people there happily let themselves be brainwashed. "He never lied", "he was a scandal-free president"...
I hope I'm not wrong, but I think the left as we know it might be done after Trump wins again.
They are eating themselves.
At this point they are calling progressive heroes like Glenn Greenwald Russian agents.
All true progressives have been thrown totally overboard.
ANYONE that held onto ANY real progressive principles has been scorned and the ones left truly hate them for maintaining those principles.
Scary stuff. I think we are on the right road though believe it or not. The media does a great job even on (us) people who know they are full of shit.
This makes me wish I could vote for trump again.
Miles Taylor is a conservative.
Good point. They threw GG, Matt Taibbi, Aaron Mate, Jimmy Dore, etc under the bus even though they are all hardcore leftists. It's because the aforementioned fellows are all vehemently ANTI-WAR and regime change and that's probably their biggest single issue. These guys are for single payer healthcare, abortion, gay marriage, Trans rights, taxes on rich, etc.
Neo-con warmongering chickenhawk
>why is this loser presenting this information as if it’s a negative thing?
This is a classic example of “black propaganda.” Trump never tried to do any of these things, but this makes Trump look based in the eyes of his supporters. Trump has been using black propaganda to his advantage throughout his entire presidency. He’s been quite successful at it, I must admit. There are a lot of people disappointed that he accomplished absolutely nothing whatsoever, and these lies will actually win some of them over. In their minds, this will excuse the fact that he didn’t do jack shit for 4 years. It makes it look like he tried to do things, but he got stopped by random government employees. Since it’s coming from a person that clearly dislikes Trump, it actually sounds somewhat convincing.
It's so bizarre watching it from the outside, I can't imagine the level of dissonance from the inside. Still, I hope you're right bro.
How can you make sense and still be a bbc poster? Reported.
I save like $10,000 a year in taxes under Trump and spend it all at local businesses.
And dilate.
All that is good.
Why is there a poo in her vagina?
Nice try, but it is a fact that the Trump administration has reduced legal immigration and refugee admissions to extremely low levels.