Right to repair

Let's discuss a right to repair.
Why shouldn't I be allowed to get same parts manufacturer can get? Or get schematics...

If they are so fucking worried about people stealing your IP, maybe you should cast everything in hard to remove resin? At this point you're just fucking around with customers and preventing free market from happening, because guess what, if you can't get parts (because you told manufacturer not to sell it), you can't have competing repairshops.

Not to mention such practice contributes to e-waste, because you can't get umm... tiny PWM DC-DC IC that failed for whatever reason .


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>Why shouldn't I be allowed to get same parts manufacturer can get? Or get schematics...
Shut up and consoom, cattle!

Show your flag, mexico.

copyright is a jewish scam through and through.
copyright lawyers need to be found and publicly executed on live tv.
they produce no value for anyone.

Same reason all the other shit goes on, it's all about controlling and dominating the little people.

thats a lot of ecstasy


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>Right to repair
That goes against their Scheme of selling you overpriced shit that breaks in half a Year

Remember in the 80's when video recorders, computers, washing machines, vacuums were sold with full electronic diagrams for repairs...

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its simple: if people only bought products where they have the right to repair, every product would have the right to repair

however, people stupidly give companies their money without thinking, allowing the companies to become as draconian as they please. vote with your wallet idiots

We are living without rule of law. Don't expect anything to change anytime soon. You may want to create a union of industrial designers and electrical engineers to produce your own schematics of durable / repairable tools.

I'm heading to church but if this dumb thread is still awake I'll answer when I get back.
OP needs to take his faggot ass to church and repent

Not enough, though.

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This user has a point

Thats why I buy old washing machines. Oh no it broke! look up the diagram 3.25 part a screw driver its working in 20 mins. Meanwhile the Samsung front loader that sings you a song and has 100 pieces of BS covering its components well good luck.

>Let's discuss a right to repair.

It's called planned obsolescence.

first off, fuck your meme flag
secondly, I will make a similar, but less gay thread, elsewhere

same here. and i'm getting my children into buying old cars and motorcycles. we get them on the cheap, then tear them down and figure out how to put them back together and then drive/ride them.

I'm too poor to consoom.
Exactly. It is your fault if you failed to protect your IP.
Sadly yes.
This is rosin you junkie
I don't know m8.
You see, it still doesn't break usually (unless you break it, or you're 1/10^6 with cracked sodder ball somewhere). It just gets obsolete.
Things were simplier tho.
But still, wiring diagrams and schematics are nice. Nobody asks you to draw IP-part like how CPU connects to um, hub. Draw partical schematics, like idk, power rails, how hub and multicontroller interract, POST codes so you don't guess what the fuck did it just mean, etc.
You can't vote with wallet at this point. You can only choose if you like liquid shit, or solid shit.

>muh flag

have a look at the open source printer project

Because if design and RnD isn't protected there is nothing preventing Chang from selling his bootleg replicas in the west, essentially siphoning the profits from western research even more than they already do. Also it disincentivises research since your competitors will just copy your tech for a fraction of the cost


Chang will steal it anyway. He doesn't need schematic for this. All you need is autism.
How to prevent Cheng from stealing? Get the fuck out of China, open manufacturing in... Mexico? Poland? Gabon? Thailand? Anywhere except China

a very astute point. china doesn't need to reverse engineer anything, they are sent specs and schematics directly by the country paying them to produce their shit

Schematics: that's easy. It's not your IP.
Parts: If they're off the shelf parts yes of course you can buy them but you'll probably have a minimum order quantity. If the parts are proprietary no you're not getting them because you haven't paid for the research, design and tooling. And why should I as a manufacturer increase the complexity and cost of my warehousing and order fulfillment function 100x just so that you can tinker.
The reason you're asking the question at all is because you're hopelessly niaive as to any aspect of manufacturing. It's simply not feasible.

quit buying shit from companies who do this you fucking retard

what you mean all of them?
great idea user

Exactly. Also, outside of China stealing IP is not socially accepted in general.
>Schematics: that's easy. It's not your IP.
You see, motherboard is a physical thing. You can take a multi-meter and make your own schematic if you have sufficient autism. Yes, it is like 10 layers of FR4, but it is doable. At this point it is just "fuck you" to customer.
>Parts: If they're off the shelf parts yes of course you can buy them but you'll probably have a minimum order quantity.
They are modified of the shelf. Like Apple likes to do this, change one lil thing, so people just can't use part they can steal from donor laptops of different brand, or usual suspects that sell parts.

Like idk, you can't get Intel CPU (BGA for laptops), or idk, hub IC. Officially at least. You have to go grey aliexpress route, where chink steals fresh IC from factory or smth.
Find a... Laptop manufacturer that provides a schematic. Pro-tip: you can't.
Does schematic really contain anything serious that would ruin their business or idk? No! So why do they hide them? Why don't they take down vietnamise / russian / chinese websites where you have stolen schematics in public (or not so public) access?

>You can take a multi-meter and make your own schematic if you have sufficient autism. Yes, it is like 10 layers of FR4, but it is doable. At this point it is just "fuck you" to customer.
Or, idk, remove everything from it and mill it micron by micron and take photos as you go, so you have a board-view.

All IP is inside the silicon, because you can't easily steal modern ICs.

Why do you have a wooden laptop, sir?

Everything is so locked up with copy protection now that if any of these companies collapsed or there was a widespread disaster, many items would likely be impossible to re-create without a ton of reverse engineering.

You're equipped to replace BGAs? I think your biggest hurdle for any electronic components is going to be minimum order quantity anyway. Aliexpress route isn't really grey market, they just buy in bulk and you pay a premium for small orders. BTW, modified off the shelf is same as proprietary. Manufacturers would be buying them in the 10,000s and not available on small quantities because order fulfillment of every single component a company manufactures is simply not feasible.

A "fuck you" to Acer and their shitty plastics. Shit didn't even last a fucking year. Imagine that. So it is Ryzen 2500u and relatively recent machine, and you have fucking case broken to the point it is just falling apart.

i didn't think that things were that bad in venezuela. Holy shit the memes are true!

Same reason why you can't take out the battery out of modern phones. They will say bullshit like muh design etc, but the real reason is so if you battery dies you can't just buy a new one, instead you buy a new phone. I mean, you can but most people won't, and its a bitch to get it out.
For most modern tech, TVs, washing machines, heaters etc, its cheaper to buy a new one than it is to fix it, or it simply can't be fixed without specialized tools or components that they don't sell.

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