Stanford Study On Trump Corona Spread ... Propaganda!

The study is a total shill document made up of bullshit speculation. Fuck academia cunts like these. They get the rope along side media cunts FIRST!

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Trump does not know it now but God is watching and Trump will go to Hell when he dies because of his lack of concern for human lives.

Now do the BLM riots

That articles headline is false.

Trump isn’t holding rallies. The democrats made those illegal.

Trump is holding peaceful protests. Please fix title of headline

Why haven’t they ran any simulations on BLM riots?

You know it's about science when it has (((Study))) in its title. It is settled.

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But protests were perfectly safe?

The world is so overpopulated that shit this is smaller than a rounding error.

The moment you said stanford their opinion became irrelevant.

Last page of this faux study. Huge list of references, eh. Cites? Fuck academic faggots. Make shit up and call it a study.

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rallies aren't protests
protests are perfectly safe
rallies have a 100% transmission rate


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> Studies indicate that if Trump did something, it is by definition horrible.. no matter what it is.


"American Scientists" are literally a joke to the rest of the world.

And how does economics correlate with the spread of infectious diseases in this study? (Footnote on Page 1)

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BLM killed zero


Death rate of 2.3%, seems pretty based

>trump rally - spike in "cases"
>BLM riot - no affect.

No mention of the BLM nigger riots

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Now what about the riots?
>OP dissappears

>unpleasant aftertaste

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Oh sweetie, niggers can’t spread disease. Only republicans can.

No you will go to hell for being a traitorous cunt. I hope I get to send you there, kike.

They're literally using 'I saw it on CNN' as a fucking academic citation. Jesus christ.

Ummm no sweetie, niggers actually are disease.


They've made no conclusions. Only a postulate.


If he's holding peaceful dance rallies, then there's literally no spread of COVID.

700 deaths/33,000 cases = 0.02. Or 99.98% survival rate. We all knew this and that's a completely acceptable rate.

Just had convid. Got better by last last Friday after about 21 days.
*no coof
*no cold/flu symptoms
*occasional feeling of my breathing not satisfying me
*occasional tight sinuses
It’s nothing to be scared of and only the very frailest over 80’s and those allergic to it will have any problem.
I thought it was just putting the radiators on for winter that was making me a bit breathless. I used to smoke and smoked during the last lockdown (couldn’t get clean vape coils) so I wondered if I was getting the first signs COPD I did not realise it was convid because I expected a coof to go with that.
I would rather have covid for a month than the very mildest cold for a week.
Anyone going to hospital with it has likely been scared by TV hysteria.

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Science proves that covid can't be spread through BLM protests.

Stanford speaks the truth. I went to a Trump rally, and now I'm dead.

OP pls respond...

If it's ok for blm to gather en masse and riot because of the cause, it's ok to protest lockdowns for the cause of ensuring freedom (look at places in europe, for example, where police can now enter your home without even knocking if they suspect too many are gathered)

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>kung flu fatality rate is 20 times higher for rally attendees

Damn that’s crazy! Still voting Trump tho

the head of the CDC made an official statement that said blm protests were not a factor in the spread of Covid-19. Trust the scientists y'all!

Democrats support this. Vote for Biden so trannies can have the right to do this

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Literally 0 cases you bigot.

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