Hispanic here. I had to do it cause you lazy white fucks have gotten weak over the years and let Texas get this close.
Fuck you all for white liberals.
You’re welcome.
Also, I got the Spanish “I voted sticker” out of irony and to piss you off for letting it get so bad.
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Also, self sage before you all do it. Just to piss you off.
Based Mexican Bro. Thank you for your service!
I wish you could smack my liberal little brother
thank you, MAGA, help me teach those basedboys a lesson
He's a spic, he wouldn't smack him, he would behead him
Don’t care. You have to go back, paco.
Based now go pick you up some breakfast tacos
thank you fren.
i too love tacos and salsa
Based beaner bro, it’s men like you that will help heal the divide.
>Also, self sage before you all do it. Just to piss you off.
A barely center left president is gonna bring communism lmao. I didn't know this board was Fox news
His handlers harris and aoc will. Kys
Conservatives who support/accept based minorities are like the Romans who accept barbarians into their ranks.
AOC and Harris are center left. Stop watching Fox News.
Get off of Zig Forums Rachel maddow.
How are you gonna cope tonight lefty?
Based you are an honorary white for today. It's our highest award.
Great job amigo. I also hate white liberals. Thank you for doing your part to stop communism. Houston user here.
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The most fun part is voting for the non partisans at the end of the process. I always just vote for the white sounding names kek
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Fine the polls are on my side
Do you live in Beto O’Rourke’s district?