I predict America will descend into complete civil war.

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We kinda need one.


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It will face a great crisis

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You're wrong. Center leftests still care about the US even if they vote retarded.They won't pull guns. At most, it'll be antifa getting mowed down and then progressivism gets called treason. That's the most violent conclusion.

What's more likely is mass rioting for like two weeks and then they go home to Mommy's basement.

>We kinda need one

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God I hope so, but I doubt it.


>You're wrong. Center leftests still care about the US even if they vote retarded.They won't pull guns. At most, it'll be antifa getting mowed down and then progressivism gets called treason. That's the most violent conclusion

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we wouldnt be so lucky

too bad nothing ever happens

>Center leftests still care about the US even if they vote retarded
Retarded people are irrelevant because they don't do anything and don't affect history. Other than, of course, serving as cannon fodder in wars and elections.

Only when voting result will be 269-269 and he will be elected through that vague house system

Trust me, you don't want it. As much fun as it sounds, there's a whole generation of pissed off veterans that would love nothing more than to do some insurgent shit with zero rules of engagement on all the loudmouthed pink haired trannys that fear mean words.

>Retarded people are irrelevant because they don't do anything and don't affect history. Other than, of course, serving as cannon fodder in wars and elections.

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fuck yeah! i will keep a close eye, with a bucket of popcorn besides me. YEEEEE HAAAAW !

>As much fun as it sounds, there's a whole generation of pissed off veterans that would love nothing more than to do some insurgent shit with zero rules of engagement on all the loudmouthed pink haired trannys that fear mean words

Imagine typing this and thinking your side isn't the one full of retards. Wow. You literally have psychos craving violence for no reason yet you're the "victims" because some college kid decided to dye their hair pink lol

Fragile as fuck


And no OP it’ll be more like the Troubles from Ireland than all out civil war.

Case in point, why we need one.

I retract what I posted earlier. I hope you faggots "resist"

The liberals, Sjws, antifa , BLM all will mass riot and destroy the big cities. It's gonna be beautiful

People keep saying civil war in the us, but I've not seen any explanation on what that looks like or how it would work. If left and right groups start having skirmishes in the street the police/feds/military will just roll in and squash it. Then it's martial law and high tech surveillance implemented. Even if the public then united and tried to fight back I don't see anyway they can go up against the us military. All their guns mean nothing when their militia camp is vaporised from 14,000 feet.

No. Washington DC will become Portland 2.0. Like its going to be very bad. Nat guard probably won't be able to do much because of the Mayor. You have like 4 large very liberal colleges and lots of poor blacks.

>Case in point, why we need one.

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So long as there is food in the grocery store and the police/EMTs show up when you call there will be no civil war. People are gonna move though. States are going to become hyper-ideaological

Why are so desperate for blood? Are you really so mad about non denominational holiday cops, transvestites, and black people that you want to see millions killed and a country divided? Unreal.

These wars were demanded to keep going and demanded they be waged and in order to find the men who wage them they like killing. They’re fucking savage at it. People don’t understand how much these guys have to reel it in if they’re let lose it’ll be a reckoning.

Kek, and it wouldn't even be much of a war, just a massacre of dumb niggers and degenerates.


Why though? Why do you want this? It sounds cool and bad ass but you realize what you're saying, right? You want militias to go around killing people because you're mad at their opinions. Do you not realize how crazy and psycho that sounds?

trumptards will say it's rigged because they don't understand the concept of counting nor do they know the constitution

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Looks like the Troubles (from Ireland). Bombing, assassinations, hits, occasional firefights for certain areas of control. You’ll have the establish government attempting to reign it in too but it’s a split between which ‘side’ they’d be more aligned with. A lot of division between multiple groups. The Republican side will have more cohesiveness but it’ll still be ultimately split most likely.

Yeah just like how Vietnamese farmers didnt stand a chance.

We can only hope. Still voting for Trump.

No fucking idiot I haven’t said I actually want that. I know what it looks like and it’s ugly. People on both sides are trying to make this seem like it’s glorious and it really isn’t. At the same point though even knowing how much of an ugly clusterfuck it is if you continue pushing people on their rights and their way of life you ultimately end up with conflict. Stop pushing and you won’t get this. Of course realistically it’s too late to stop pushing. This place is a powder keg.

What happens if you run out of toilet paper and mountain dew though?

Trump will win and use the insurrection act against the retards.

I won't

Most people enjoy their comfy life’s. Not everyone is a retard

A prepper, I see.

Honest question: who is pushing what? Last time I checked, progressives want everyone to be included, it's conservatives who want to exclude people or tell them how to live their lives. Its conservatives who tell woman what to do with their bodies or deny health care coverage for sick people. I'm not sure what world you live in where "please don't be racist" is "taking away freedoms"


(Kill every kike)

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titor was ahead of his time

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>Kill every kike

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you severely underestimate the power structure in America.
you WANT there to be a civil war. you FANTASIZE about it. but you know there will not be one. there will be nothing.

look around you. these people here, do you think they will do anything ever? NOPE.
nothing ever happens. we all really really really REALLY REALLY want war, but we cannot unite and cannot fight and cannot do anything but complain on the internet.

we don't help eachother we just complain.
we don't support eachother we just call eachother glow niggers and jerk off.
we have already lost the war you are predicting.
we couldn't even put together a fight.

I predict that you will be wrong, just like you have been your whole pathetic miserable life, and will wet the bed AGAIN.

Imagine using an inverted US flag for a civil war thread and not the dixie battle flag.

You realize other countries would intervene. And democrats would be completely slaughtered

Clash of the mobility scooters