Move to Malmö 2 weeks ago

>move to Malmö 2 weeks ago
>just got mugged last night

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det behövde sluta så här

are you okay?
do you feel imasculated?
try some sissy hypno to help you cope

din dumma jävel vad fan förväntade du dig när du flyttade till malmö?

mutts should be banned from this board

why the fuck would you move to malmö you retard

Next time someone looks threatening to you, i want you to pull down your pants and underwear and lay on the ground ass up

Wow I'm surprised it took 2 weeks.

get revenge :^)

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I trust you left the dude who did it paralyzed?

Eget jävla fel satans bög svedupelle.

Bare flytt til Norge. Alle svensker som hater negre og islam velkommen

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You should call saga noren, cid malmo

What did you learn?

Did you inform the 30 year old teenage muzzie refugee that mugging is illegal in Sweden?

why didn't you just shoot him?

Carry a knife next time then.

>Move to Vienna
>Get shot in front of an Mc Donald's by an Albanian with a macedonian passport because some french guy has shown Muhammed cartoons.
Part and parcel, mate.

>mutts should be banned from this board
cope sven

Attached: swyes.webm (1024x576, 1.36M)

The Age of Information is amazing, as always.

Find where the muzzies live and lock em in and burn it down

>moving to Malmo
>going out at night in Malmo

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me

Come to Texas, I'll be your friend

antar att det var en rasfrämling?

>shoot him
Burger, I...

The fuck would you move there for?

Isn't Malmo basically a colder Afghanistan at this point? Probably an unsafer one since there's no US/NATO troops stationed there either?

I moved to america, you can too

Vet inte, har varit i USA i några år och trodde inte det va så farligt som Zig Forums har sagt. Uppväxt i Skåne

More likely it's as dangerous as your average burger city by now

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Nu vet du, håll dig också borta från Göteborg. Flytta ut i skogen eller nåt.

Sven you're in a bad shape but if you decide to purge you'll know there is help coming...

It's not called "Sweden's Chicago" for nothing.

Give the muslims sharia. If they are muslim robbers then the death penalty, if they are Muslim thieves then cut off the hand. Problem solved.


Vet du nån mysig, billig, *svensk* stad i Skåne?


>implying stealing from Dhimmis is a crime
Armed robbery is just coerced Jizya payments

Just say you don't consent. The robbers aren't legally allowed to take your possessions

The greatest prank ever made by the Swedes is conquering Skåne from us, declaring neutrality afterwards, and then filling it with immigrants

Learn BJJ you weak bitch

Lol cope, atleast we have thousands of miles of nonnigger land