Wisconsinanon voting in Madison. Fuck shills. Fuck niggers. Fuck spics. Fuck jannies. Fuck trannies.
Hey shills: don't care. Still voted Trump
nice digits
cool, he's still losing though, seethe more.
Absolutely based.
BASED AS FUCK. VOTE TRUMK ANONS!!!!! Voted in GA early this mornin
based, and checked
Possibly the most based post I've seen here in a long ass time.
You just voted for a Democrat controlled Congress in two years. Here's my own personal copypasta:
>What happens if Biden wins?
>presidential candidate who makes the best promises and speeches wins
>president can't keep those promises, because those are things he has no control over
>voters react by electing the opposite party to congress at the mid terms
I voted for a Republican congress in two years. I voted for Biden. Trump did his job, stacked SCOTUS with conservatives, but if he wins the White House for a second term, congress will go Democrat.
Never forget that eight years of Obama gave us a fully Republican congress. That's why the Democrats chose the unelectable Hillary to run against master-persuader Trump. The Democrats attempt to play 4D chess, but Trump is over-acting his part, and might lose. This is not good for the Democrats. They are really hoping he will win for four more years, to inspire the voters to stack congress with Democrats, then they run another "Obama" type in 2024, which will give them exactly two years to pass their agenda. Then the cycle repeats.
tl;dr: The voters have the long-term memory of a goldfish. This is American Political Science 101. Deal with it.