You fuckers are beyond retarded. Explain this shit to me

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You must be new if you haven't heard of meme magic and Zig Forums is always right.

you made both threads congrats

One is a meme, the other is retards thinking they can actually hex Trump or some shit

>meme flag

newfag and a memeflag faggot, get out.

we are praying to green frog to make our posts end with repeating numbers so we can cast magic and influence the election in the most powerful country on earth and THIS is what you are weirded out by?

Fuck you, check my magic numbers.

Its a Zig Forums thing. You wouldn't get it.

Our magic is powerful and their witch magic is from tv shows

Hahaha, oh shit, share blue poster doesn't understand meme magick

How do you think he got elected last time?

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>actually being a newfag
next you're gonna start sperging about anime

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hahaha wtf you fags have no self awareness huh?

You must first fully believe it has already happened before you can manifest it in the world. You shape the world with the vector of your directed will.

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The irony of this niggers post kek

>explain this shit to me

It's simple, magic is an energy device... they are doing it wrong. Cope harder and seethe more. Trump is going to win because dems are low energy.

Fuck off, tranime leaf.

One is a joke, one isn't. Both are retarded

you're literally retarded zoomers trying to put hexes on shit. Roastie level thinking

It’s very potent copium

user don't you know when you're off script and repeating recognizable patterns?

Meme magic got trump into the white house
Witch craft is satanic shit, seethe harder commie




Honestly meme magic worked for us last time to some degree so I get it

you fucking kikes are beyond help

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Its hacker talk for hacking the election.

Duality of man

It works

The opposition and attractive flux of order and chaos; the yin and yang; the masculine and feminine principles

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