Just voted Biden in PA!

Just voted Biden in PA!
Most people there were young and POC, and I live in the suburbs. Trump is finished.

Give Biden your energy!

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>fat fuck
... could be American

>bong flag and cup
... nope, just a shill

i am also in pennsalvania, trump is finished

What terrible bait. You are a cretin.
MAGA 2020 Go vote Trump Burgerbros

what the fuck is that thumb

I just voted too, most of the people were young and coloured people out in the suburbs of Toronto, Drumpf is finished!

Give Biden your energy!

Trump will win

Just voted biden. It's over for blumpf.

>((poc)) in suburbs voting dem

Biden will win

same lad, also voted biden earlier

Changing face of America

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Biden is a pedo. Digits and he's dead by 2021

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Inbreeding between anglo-saxons in the past

Based Britain, thanks for helping US back on the globalists utopia, I wish you guy can go back to the EU soon.

pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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Got an infection after fingering your sister.
I’m a POC btw

whats a POC? nigger n spics?
all the warehouse monkeys I know in central Pa voting Trump

Check and witness.


Have some energy Britbro.

you demoralization shills get worse all the time how the fuck do y'all not underatand how flags work yet

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My fellow American, trump is finished! After my grandparents died from his poor handling of covid, they are certainly mail-in voting Biden now!

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hi you

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7am - All Trump voters
11am - Biden douches

>skin nearly as pale as my Irish ass
Hello, Mr. Obvious.

i can tell you have shitty genetics just from looking that hand

If the number lands between 0-9, your daughters/extended family will be BLACKED

scratch that, actually from just looking at the flag

Actual PA voter here, it was 100% old people. Some of which were bussing in from old folk's homes nearby. Biden is finished. MAGA hats abound.

Just got back from my polling station at the local primary school!

Can confirm Florida will be red! Me and the other chaps were all wearing our MAGA hats! Everyone in the queue was telling me about how much they jolly well loved Donald Trump! The party will continue until 3 bongs in the morning!

>Condensed milk

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if 0-9 your mother dies in her sleep tonight