The Muslims are behind downfall of the west

Daily reminder that its mostly muslim diaspora living in western countries who are pushing the jew conspiracy meme. Wake up West. Behind everything its mostly Muslim secret services.
Their plan kicked off in high gear in 2001 with the twin tower attack. And I mean come on they found bin laden chillin in Pakistan? Pakistan supported him and knew full well he was there. Muslims are playing a cultural, political, geostrategic terrorist game since then and haven't stopped. They are breaking up the west. You think its Russia? When IPs are traced in Russia, it's the Muslim chechens operating in Russia who are doing online propaganda. It is your average UK paki turk who is actually an ISI/MIT operative. Its your average paki/turk who is spewing bullshit online just because his brain is fried. Now erdogan is spearing the borders of Europe and pushing in the Mediterranean. It is the muslims. Wake up before its too late. They are pushing in all ways. Breaking up Europe, the states, pushing in the Mediterranean, Azerbaijan attacking Armenia etc. Wake up,they are building a caliphate using isis and al qaeda mindless orcs to do their bidding and ready the ground. Erdogan funded ISIS by arming them and buying their oil. It was Erdogan who said 1-2 weeks ago ton video that Europeans should fear going in the streets.

We must unite to expel the muslim plague from our lands and destroy muslim expansionism.

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Good goy, hate the muslims, ignore the spread of global communism.

Muslims suck but they aren't the biggest problem. The biggest problem is white liberals and the "conservatives" who eventually concede to every issue they claim to be against. Everything else is just a symptom of that.

UK flag is either paki or turk. Most likely paki. Nice one Paki. Post part of face or arm with timestamp to prove you are not a mudslime

Who let them in? And why?
>bin laden pakistan
Bin Laden died at Tora Bora.

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No, Muslims are just executing the plan. (((You))) know who is behind the downfall.

You know we talk about the kikes a lot but to be honest I never had a problem with a Jewish person whatsoever, on contrary to the mudshits. They don't rob, steal, deal drugs, beat the shit out of people for nothing or actually murder them. At least not over here. Sure they might be a bit strange especially the hardcore orthodox ones, yet they never really bother other people and keep to their own.

you will not divide us.

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Show part of your paycheck to prove your not a commie or jew.

Dude you are underplaying the muslim issue. Muslims want Trump. I've spoken to them. He serves their purpose of fragmenting American society and by being an idiot in matters of foreign policy. I dont care if you are a republican Trump is fucking shit up and Biden wins because he is not Trump. You need to find a better republican candidate who will be more uniting.