Sup you fat fucks? You ready for Biden to be announced the next president of the USA until 2028?
Sup you fat fucks? You ready for Biden to be announced the next president of the USA until 2028?
Other urls found in this thread:
don't care, still not voting
Is that a man or a woman
you wouldn't do shit you faggot
This is gay.
you want to fuck trump 2020?
why are fags so degenerate, cover up you nancy
nice titties
Stay mad and fuck this racist board in particular. At least Zig Forums has more Biden supporters
OP you can’t just take my selfie and photoshop ‘fuck Trump’ on the mask.
yes guys I’m sorry pic is ME and I’m super ripped but I voted trump. OP is a jealous ex BF who wants to shit on me.
This guy is a homosexual and if you can't immediately tell you need to go to gaydar re-education camp
you look gay as hell bro lol
it's a man in transition
>El cubano/puertoriqueño homosexual
Stop posting my selfies, Damien. Seriously. I will call your mom right now. I voted trump. You edited my mask to say Fuck Trump.
>right earring
Go dye your hair again, faggot
Whatever you say there, Femmeinem.
Already voted Trump. too bad flabby tits
>What happens if Biden wins?
If you have not figured that out by now, you deserve what you get.
1. Biden wont be in long, Nancy already powered up art 25
2.Lock downs for covid
3. Rapid acceleration towards the great "no privacy or assets - great reset".
4. Forced vaccinations
5. Annual - semi annual increments of the covid, killing off more, pushing people more to beg for solutions
6. NWO to solve #5
7. Weakened immunity systems by them fuc*in with, for the first time rna based vaccines - weakened immunity resulting in more and more deaths.
8. Un21 - Un2030 - depopulation with those who the elite consider more valued living and those who are not greatly reduced (target published numbers of 80 to 90% reductions)
This is the mentally incapacitated fool you are looking to lead the world? He cannot ever speak or form a coherent thought. Are you really that short sited?
>Picture of man being turned away for electioneering, colorized 2020
Change your haircut american faggot
It’s a homosex
Nice to know we have gay puerto ricans with TRUMP!
Would Biden even live to 2028
Also isn't he stepping down for Kamala in February
no it's just a fag
Can i bite your nipple?
Oh sweet summer nu-beta What are you going to do when Trump wins again and you have to finally accept the fact that you're wrong, and that you have always been wrong about everything ever?Here are some helpful suggestions:
#1Do not move to Canada.When Trump wins again-stay in the USA,THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE HISTORY OF THE ENTIRE WORLD.
#2Every day say"I was wrong,and now TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT again,I will eat my daily dose of Trumpkin Pie until I learn to like it"
#3Write one nice thing about YOUR PRESIDENT Trump every single day and post it on your wall so you're always reminded TRUMP is your Boss. TRUMP is your Daddy.
#4IF you have any bad thoughts about Trump, post online:"Sorry Trump,cuucked thoughts are for Librooster Cuuckadoodledoos,I'm a Libturkey CuuckleCuuckle,please give me some chicken milk so I can suckle suckle,I am a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Sucker fish,Obviously a Spaniel fish,but mostly I'm a suckle fish,please Trump make me your subby bitch"
#5At the end of his second term Trump gets a free third term because you were very rude during his first term
#6.The ballot represents your ass. The pen represents Daddy Trumps giant cock of freedom. The square you have to fill in represents your prostate. While you fill it out, record yourself singing and post online"Yes yes please Trump me there,that is my YES YES square"Your prostate should be flattened when you are done.
Oh sweaty,if only you had been respectful and obedient.You have to understand that the right is right because they are right. The left is wrong because they aren't right,They're left,therefore you are wrong. Remember every time you take a step forward and your right foot touches the ground to think"DADDY Trump is my president and the people behind me are looking at my butt shaking all funny as I walk but I can't stop it,I am literally embarrassing"By replying to this post you agree Trump is your Daddy.
ok Pepperoni nipples
What's it like being a fudge-packing faggot with bleached hair and ear rings?
Kill yourself, you actually voted for Sleepy Joe.
Hi Feminem
guido extremo
Which one do you prefer, black or brown cock?
dios creatura...
stay obese and uneducated
Zig Forums fags fell for the asinine Build Back Better slogan for some reason
Thank faggot, I got your meta data from the archive, time to fuck with ya >:-)
homosexuals are lesser humans lol
LOL you're going to get aids
Oh sweet summer nu-beta What are you going to do when Trump wins again and you have to finally accept the fact that you're wrong, and that you have always been wrong about everything ever?Here are some helpful suggestions:
#1Do not move to Canada.When Trump wins again-stay in the USA,THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE HISTORY OF THE ENTIRE WORLD.
#2Every day say"I was wrong,and now TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT again,I will eat my daily dose of Trumpkin Pie until I learn to like it"
#3Write one nice thing about YOUR PRESIDENT Trump every single day and post it on your wall so you're always reminded TRUMP is your Boss. TRUMP is your Daddy.
#4IF you have any bad thoughts about Trump, post online:"Sorry Trump,cuucked thoughts are for Librooster Cuuckadoodledoos,I'm a Libturkey CuuckleCuuckle,please give me some chicken milk so I can suckle suckle,I am a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Sucker fish,Obviously a Spaniel fish,but mostly I'm a suckle fish,please Trump make me your subby bitch"
#5At the end of his second term Trump gets a free third term because you were very rude during his first term
#6.The ballot represents your ass. The pen represents Daddy Trumps giant cock of freedom. The square you have to fill in represents your prostate. While you fill it out, record yourself singing and post online"Yes yes please Trump me there,that is my YES YES square"Your prostate should be flattened when you are done.
Oh sweaty,if only you had been respectful and obedient.You have to understand that the right is right because they are right. The left is wrong because they aren't right,They're left,therefore you are wrong. Remember every time you take a step forward and your right foot touches the ground to think"DADDY Trump is my president and the people behind me are looking at my butt shaking all funny as I walk but I can't stop it,I am literally embarrassing"By replying to this post you agree Trump is your Daddy.
Suck Trump's dick
This is how desperate trumpies are
Old meme is dead
died hair, exposing yourself for attention, earrings, cheap jewelry.
You really are a high school girl in the body of a man.
Why would I care about this homosexual?
Levels of faggotry this high shouldn't be possible.
You voted for the guy who's backed by people who are trying to enact global neo-feudalism where they own your ass.
I'm a bi Puerto Rican with Trump and Alexandra Lugaro. OP is a faggot.
you look like you get fudge packed every night you fake eminem wana be faggot
Hey fruity. Nice titty!
do you fuck femboys?
Nice hair, Faggot.
ur ghey lole
Nice queer earring you got there you fucking fag.
you look like you are covered in shit
Do liberals even vote without posting a picture of themselves on the internet to virtue signal?
That hairline, oof just shave it off and try to look like something not resembling a twink
Oh sweet summer nu-beta What are you going to do when Trump wins again and you have to finally accept the fact that you're wrong, and that you have always been wrong about everything ever?Here are some helpful suggestions:
#1Do not move to Canada.When Trump wins again-stay in the USA,THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE HISTORY OF THE ENTIRE WORLD.
#2Every day say"I was wrong,and now TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT again,I will eat my daily dose of Trumpkin Pie until I learn to like it"
#3Write one nice thing about YOUR PRESIDENT Trump every single day and post it on your wall so you're always reminded TRUMP is your Boss. TRUMP is your Daddy.
#4IF you have any bad thoughts about Trump, post online:"Sorry Trump,cuucked thoughts are for Librooster Cuuckadoodledoos,I'm a Libturkey CuuckleCuuckle,please give me some chicken milk so I can suckle suckle,I am a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Sucker fish,Obviously a Spaniel fish,but mostly I'm a suckle fish,please Trump make me your subby bitch"
#5At the end of his second term Trump gets a free third term because you were very rude during his first term
#6.The ballot represents your ass. The pen represents Daddy Trumps giant cock of freedom. The square you have to fill in represents your prostate. While you fill it out, record yourself singing and post online"Yes yes please Trump me there,that is my YES YES square"Your prostate should be flattened when you are done.
Oh sweaty,if only you had been respectful and obedient.You have to understand that the right is right because they are right. The left is wrong because they aren't right,They're left,therefore you are wrong. Remember every time you take a step forward and your right foot touches the ground to think"DADDY Trump is my president and the people behind me are looking at my butt shaking all funny as I walk but I can't stop it,I am literally embarrassing"By replying to this post you agree Trump is your Daddy.
Has 2020 taught you nothing? The faggotry could surge to much higher levels than this.
Hair transplant looks nice. I wonder what it's like to be so self-conscious and insecure? Not to mention skinny. This guy needs to eat more. Looks like he can't even deadlift 4 plates.
BASED BidenChad
Post dick pics
Why are you hiding the hook nose?
BIDEN 2020!!
BLUE WAVE 2020!!
faggot paused his usual morning activity of gargling gigantic loads of nigger semen long enough to put a mask over his cockholster and vote. bravo.
Side boob , fucking nonce .
kek over 9000
Your hair looks like ramen noodles.
>Old meme is dead
Just like the two dead jews, they got killed by a teenager
It's just like the IDF in Palestine
don't be a shitlib and participate in democracy
>at least Zig Forums has more Biden supporters
The board that post child porn has more Biden supporters. Get the fuck out of here you goofy ass tranny.
You guys seem to be thinking about dicks and gays a lot... Perhaps u have the case of the gay?
Put a shirt on you fucking faggot
>alone I your car, wearing a mask.
We already know who you voted for.
No gays please
Oh sweet summer nu-beta What are you going to do when Trump wins again and you have to finally accept the fact that you're wrong, and that you have always been wrong about everything ever?Here are some helpful suggestions:
#1Do not move to Canada.When Trump wins again-stay in the USA,THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE HISTORY OF THE ENTIRE WORLD.
#2Every day say"I was wrong,and now TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT again,I will eat my daily dose of Trumpkin Pie until I learn to like it"
#3Write one nice thing about YOUR PRESIDENT Trump every single day and post it on your wall so you're always reminded TRUMP is your Boss. TRUMP is your Daddy.
#4IF you have any bad thoughts about Trump, post online:"Sorry Trump,cuucked thoughts are for Librooster Cuuckadoodledoos,I'm a Libturkey CuuckleCuuckle,please give me some chicken milk so I can suckle suckle,I am a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Sucker fish,Obviously a Spaniel fish,but mostly I'm a suckle fish,please Trump make me your subby bitch"
#5At the end of his second term Trump gets a free third term because you were very rude during his first term
#6.The ballot represents your ass. The pen represents Daddy Trumps giant cock of freedom. The square you have to fill in represents your prostate. While you fill it out, record yourself singing and post online"Yes yes please Trump me there,that is my YES YES square"Your prostate should be flattened when you are done.
Oh sweaty,if only you had been respectful and obedient.You have to understand that the right is right because they are right. The left is wrong because they aren't right,They're left,therefore you are wrong. Remember every time you take a step forward and your right foot touches the ground to think"DADDY Trump is my president and the people behind me are looking at my butt shaking all funny as I walk but I can't stop it,I am literally embarrassing"By replying to this post you agree Trump is your Daddy.
>the next president of the USA until 2028?
Calls people "Fat fucks"; has moobs.
Slim shady?
He's only wearing a mask because he has gay herpes.
>coloured hair
>tit out
Day of the rope
What species is this anons?
Explains why you’re such a faggot. Come down to the Keys so I can glass ya
LOL you look about 5'2" tall
Joe Biden Lied Lied Lied, friends with Obama spied spied spied.
What makes me the most disgusted is the unfathomable level of hypocrisy and dishonesty surrounding this whole thing
Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and MS13 = FUNDED BY GEORGE SOROS.
Joe biden called black people super predators, said if black people didn't vote for him they weren't black, and said he didn't want his kids to go to a racial jungle.
Joe biden supports the racist terrorist organization of black lives matter.
Black Lives Matter runs around saying that Black Lives Matter and they get angry and attack people if they say that ALL LIVES MATTER. They are undoing over a hundred years of effort to make equality, by doing the exact opposite of equality! They hate Caucasian people, just for their skin color! Black Lives Matter is RACIST, as they accuse everyone else of being racist!
Liberals, Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Anarchists, Marxists, Globalists, and Satanists are all the EXACT SAME PEOPLE. THIS IS THE DEEP STATE. THIS IS THE ILLUMINATI. THE GLOBALIST SATANIC MAFIA. CANAAN BAAL MOLOCH CANNIBAL PEDOPHILES. By replying to this post you agree Trump is your Daddy.
If you want tech oligarchs to strangle conservatism out of existence while minorities breed whites out of existence and Jews steal every penny to your name while Paco and Jamal rape your sister and mother and burn down your neighborhood, vote Biden. If you vote a straight dem ticket you can look forward to state-issued smart-wristbands linked to your phone and computer that track your steps, heartbeat, temperature, and who you come into contact with for muh COVID-19, and which secretly track your location, your browsing history, use eye-tracking software to monitor what you read, listen to what you say about it, and how your very body reacts to what you’re looking at. AI will be used to figure out which type of content triggers what types of emotion so that they can tailor your feed to make you happy, sad, angry, depressed, etc. This will help you be more effectively propagandized to accept the death of your race and way of life. If you refuse to buy into the propaganda the wristband will know and you can expect very unfortunate things to happen to you such as job loss, friends stop talking to you, family stops talking to you, etc.
It will be a very beautiful global reset for you if you allow dems and bought republicans to win.
Imagine having gynecomastia
Biden won't live to 2028, you Zig Forums manlet faggot.
The magards on suicide watch
Day of the rope
Fuck you're hot. Choke me until I say "Black Lives Matter" pleaseeee
>that haircut after 2000
you're a faggot
This is another GAY Homo faggot i this picture
Democrats are the Faggots party
nigger you're not white. your dye looks like hairplugs.
what a faggot you like you're going to have a aids before you're 30
DON'T LOSE OUR WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE WE HAVE TO BE AS ONE AND GO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best is yet to come!
By replying to this post you agree Trump is your Daddy.
you look like a faggot
He's a faggot.
I feel like you're trying to look intimidating. Took me a second to process what you're going for.
Most of us who lift swing right, many of them super hard right. In addition, the dyed hair, earring and stringer tank as casual dress wear tells me you're a fag with a superficial idea of masculinity. You probably scare DYEL's who vote Trump but you look like a clown to everyone else.
Look at the poor trap development looooooooooool. Do yourself a favor and stop wearing cutoffs you weak soiboi
I would mop the floor with your slim shady pissed on hairdew
And you faggots want civil war?
Get a grip, fuck your life
>the most basic of gym bods
lol gay and low iq
all i can say is, nigga you having an identity crises u half black half cracka, you will never be one of us foo, remember dat aye? shiet nikka
this dude exudes quite a lot of homosexuality.
Nice tits bro. What's your routine?
Go Biden
>I'm not a raging homosexual posting pictures of my nipples online. You are
nice gyno..when did you start your transition?
Miami dade faggot, probably Colombian or Venezuelan LITERAL faggot with that fucking hair and earnings. What a soft pussy bitch. Come around coconut grove with that faggot ass shit you bitch.
Calm down little guy
hunter, is that you?
Lol Trump wants to get rid of you dirty fucking Puerto Ricans, you're going to experience running your own country soon enough beaner.
Chill Vinny
You look poor.
a faggot puerto rican
I don't think he will live past two years.
He's shaking and is senile.
Kamala til 28 sure, but biden idk
>fag haircut
>fag earring
>fag chain
>fag tanktop
You can have this freak.
You mentioned dick in your previous post. By your own logic the other anons are right and you’re a faggot.
You do look like one, so it’s not really that surprising.
>definitely likes dick
OP is a faggot
imagine being a defenseless bong cunt.
Today, I voted Democrat for the first time ever. The sole reason is because of the virus/healthcare. After I lost my job because of the virus, I lost my health insurance. So I had to enroll in the ACA to have any coverage. Trump wants to repeal the ACA which is a problem for me. If it weren’t for him trying to do that, I would have voted again for him
Frosted hair and earring on a male lmao
Please breed my boipucci with your BIG WHITE COCK ahhhhhhhh
You look like a power bottom lol
Post a reaction vid tonight when trump wins
>Trump wants to repeal the ACA which is a problem for me.
Go on medicaid you faggot.
>he'll live that long
The next president probably won’t be declared tonight. It’ll take a few days to count all the ballots
you mean Zig Forums has more shills shitting up the board 24/7
Best thing about this faggot is that when he dies, his lineage dies with him. The future will literally not have to worry since the story dies with him. Praise kek.
You might want to loosen that watch a bit unless you aim to amputate your hand with it.
kek based
>bitch tits
>dyed hair
>fuck drumpf cuck muzzle
Absolutely embarrasing this is the best the DNC could muster on election day
Nice tits
Hahahaahah what a faggot with a faggot earring.
Damn dude, I'd love to suck that nipple
lol another faggot wigger eminem wannabe showing his TDS
Nice nip-slip and hairless feminine arms. Sorry to hear about your relationship with your dad, your looks speak volume on the pain you're feeling, that pleases my penis. You'd make for a pretty wife.