Yeah... I think I'm going

Yeah... I think I'm going.

Attached: Screenshot 2020-11-03 112728.jpg (755x921, 100.27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

so europeans fully assimilated to muslim way of life

Big if true

I will go fuck some chinese girls, like minorities brag about here

Are Argentinians allowed?

post source

What if China realizes they can only become the #1 world superpower if they import millions of whites? lmao

They will have "white lives matter" parades for us and people losing their jobs if they insult "whites"

>Look at me
>I am the nigger now.

Attached: judgmental varg.jpg (208x201, 5.5K)

>no source

Is the social score system sort of like good boy points?


meh, i don't want to live among chinks.

Lmao chang in some deep shit

yes, like credit score in the west measures how much money you borrowed from that jews. except in china, you just got it by being an upstanding citizen

Come live in International Jewry's premier NWO Marxist state! It has all the globohomo you do and it's only getting more progressive!

Attached: okchang.png (2562x1950, 3.13M)
new HB pics. any idea who she is?

Attached: 14-1.jpg (568x1024, 57.6K)

Based and Shin Chan pilled

Attached: F1535312-2E56-4EC5-A955-81CF1137B674.jpg (600x600, 31.98K)

China would benefit from having its own little white silicon valley

So not even chinks want to move to their own muslim region. Too bad white people don't emigrate to non-white countries. Heck I don't even think niggers would accept it even if they received tons of gibs.

Why Xinjiang though? Who would move to that dusty place?

>Real footage of the Xinjiang European Semi-Autonomous Zone

Attached: 1571718390584.webm (544x960, 1.58M)


What a weird body shape.

lmao there's no way this is real people


what's the problem

Attached: shoulders.png (640x541, 580.23K)

Begone, demoraliser

Attached: 1603001520459.jpg (720x1440, 147.35K)

>its fake news

Attached: REEEEEEEEEE.jpg (1000x1000, 76.99K)

zoe kestani aka weedslut420
552 mb of uncensored pics got dropped in a google drive file
OH SHIT it got deleted

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-10-28 at 8.59.07 AM.png (808x1458, 1.54M)

Okay Pajeet

Attached: 1604276033652.png (300x375, 66.79K)


So we finally have our ethnostate with free chink fuck toys provided by the CCP, while replacing the muzzies they want to get rid of? I'm in.

Attached: chink sees a western guy 1578310083042.webm (960x540, 1.96M)

Now Chinese wouldn’t need to come to Serbia to do fake weddings with Serbian dudes.

No mutts allowed.

It's not only chinks who give their women away to gain favor. All asians provide comfort women, including gooks and japs.

Attached: 1602939613872.jpg (840x946, 124.27K)