I will never understand liberals. Serious question, is it a brain imbalance?
I will never understand liberals. Serious question, is it a brain imbalance?
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No it makes sense to them. Their set of facts lead them to that conclusion
indoctrinated from an early age
separated from family and real values and instead given corporate logos and alphabet labels to create their identity around
= process is complete and irreversible
>I will never understand liberals.
Did you unironically grow up on the right from the beginning? How did you avoid being liberal for at least a little while in modern times? Are you old? How did you end up on a degenerate Tibetan fly-fishing forum?
ye, your are vary unbalanced
mix in ''good feelings'' too
Honestly no. I unironically grew up in Southern California, relatively young (born in 1989), neither one of my parents were ever extremely political, but my older brother liked politics and we started watching O'Reilly in 2004/2005 ish, and I guess thats where it started.
I will never understand conservatives. If we destroyed all power hierarchies it would benefit most of you too. You on the other hand see virtue in fighting the weak for resources.
Its brainwashing and how you're raised.
I thought diversity, supporting LGBT, socialism etc was being a good person and helping others because I was told this in school, by media and by my parents.
But when I started redpilling myself and seeing things more objectively, I realized I was wrong. I was being unrealistic and I didn't want to challenge my thought processes.
T. Former atheist liberal
Deinstitutionalization started in the 60s. Here we are.