ROME thread

Because there should always be a ROME thread somewhere on the catalog

Come discuss the politics of the greatest nation to ever exist and how we can revive it

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Roman senators would castrate young greek boys and turn them into fuck dolls until they killed themselves

Looks to me like Rome wasn't a single nation

Nords were living in mud huts worshipping trees having gay sex and eating babies whilst Meds were building civilisation.

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I'm just here for Centaurii-chan

Christ, Thrax was a fucking chad.

Any good books someone can recommend me about Roman history?

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The republic is finished.
Only a Caesar can save us now.

Attached: Vladimir Caesar.jpg (410x280, 43.58K)

Infinite Jest

Did you edit this one OP? I remember for a fact that the guy that made this made almost all of them look like shitskins.

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Germs were drowning fags in swamps while Meds were fucking boys

>Both Insecure Manlets
Its making sense now...


>Trust in Spengler

The principate pretty much shows how dangerous bloodline inheritance is. The instant emperors were able to put their kids on the throne it was a fucking mess.

All hail, the glorious successor to Rome!

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>Roman senators would castrate young greek boys and turn them into fuck dolls until they killed themselves
you're thinking of the christians



he was like 8 feet tall, was born a peasant and beat the shit out of everyone who opposed him then murdered everyone he didnt like in rome



>Did you edit this one OP?
no florianus was a nonwhite they are probably all accurate depiction

late rome was a fucking nightmare with shitskin emperors like ph*lip the arab and the entire severan line

Attached: traitor.jpg (700x417, 75.37K)

Heh, anus

Can anyone fill me in on how how Ceasar was able to eliminate almost fourth of the debt owed by restructuring the debt system?
Ctrl+f : 95
( Sorry apparently IPs from my shithole country cant post pics here )

Constantinople must be reclaimed

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>All hail, the glorious successor to Rome!

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Y-yeah glorious

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I know what I'd do with a time machine

Attached: Go ahead Hitler.jpg (1200x1263, 205.1K)

is that honorious?

honorious was american tier

Attached: 2b2.png (858x675, 166.17K)

Excellent user

The iron discipline of the citizen legionary was the key to their success

Plus the aesthetics are unsurpassed

Where do you live

republic was best, but there were good emperors, augustus, cesar (>inb4), flavian, nero, decius, diocletian and a few others

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AD goes before the date

>It gets darker and darker as Rome degenerates
who would have thought?

Adopting (((christianity))) killed the greatest empire that ever was.

Trump is our Caesar.
Barron is our Augustus.

You left out all the POPES!

Attached: putastus.jpg (251x186, 21.7K)

what is that guy's name?

Based. Ave Christus Rex

Yeah not by a long shot retard

>AD goes before the date

I still cant decided who killed it more, the jews and galileans or the severans

Attached: WHEN V SEE A GALILEAN.jpg (1280x720, 124.82K)

romans were degenerates

stay mad, apostate

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Rome belongs to Indiana

>greatest empire that ever was
>mourning the roman empire who started all this multiculti shit and dispersed the jews
>mourning the empire that systematically massacred millions of your people.

yeah suck my fat cock shlomo

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>In that legion there were two very brave men, centurions, who were now approaching the first ranks, T. Pullo, and L. Vorenus. These used to have continual disputes between themselves, and every year used to contend for promotion with the utmost animosity. When the fight was going on most vigorously before the fortifications, Pullo, one of them, says, "Why do you hesitate, Vorenus? or what opportunity of signalizing your valor do you seek? This very day shall decide our disputes." When he had uttered these words, he proceeds beyond the fortifications, and rushes on that part of the enemy which appeared the thickest. Nor does Vorenus remain within the rampart, but respecting the high opinion of all, follows closely. Then, when an inconsiderable space intervened, Pullo throws his javelin at the enemy, and pierces one of the multitude who was running up, and while the latter was wounded and slain, the enemy cover him with their shields, and all throw their weapons at the other and afford him no opportunity of retreating. The shield of Pullo is pierced and a javelin is fastened in his belt. This circumstance turns aside his scabbard and obstructs his right hand when attempting to draw his sword: the enemy crowd around him when [thus] embarrassed. His rival runs up to him and succors him in this emergency. Immediately the whole host turn from Pullo to him, supposing the other to be pierced through by the javelin. Vorenus rushes on with his sword and carries on the combat hand to hand, and having slain one man, for a short time drove back the rest: while he urges on too eagerly, slipping into a hollow, he fell. To him, in his turn, when surrounded, Pullo brings relief; and both having slain a great number, retreat into the fortifications amid the highest applause. Fortune so dealt with both in this rivalry, that the one competitor was a succor and a safeguard to the other, nor could it be determined which of the two appeared worthy of being preferred to the other.

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Based thread

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>Countries under jewish mind control

>Trump is our Caesar.
>Barron is our Augustus.
augustus was caesar's adoptive son not biological son, back then men had enough honor and selflessness to appoint someone else than their sons to rule after them if they were better

And you dont get to call trump cesar until he conquers canda australia and new zealand, hunts down hilary with a gigantic private army, and forces the senate to make him dictator for life

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cope. Rome is eternal jew

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Based legate-chan

>Commodus is just fucking gold

Oh, please, there's no need to hail Romania

>and dispersed the jews
they literally tried to murder them and a few managed to flee how is that their fault

>western europe is majority christian
even fucking iceland with like 10% christians is in there

Penitent be the heart my nigga
>bitching about the Severans
You are a nigger and that faggot graph's inaccurate, Nero's nose is too small and his neckbeard is too groomed.

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You’re 100% right, the artist didn’t do any research about the actual race of these men and their documented features

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>roman era bridge

it was built by italians in ethiopia if I recall correctly, italians, being rome's "special" son, cant build bridges that last for shit

italians bridges collapse in 100 years
roman bridges do not collapse, ever

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Christianity was used as a subversive weapon against the Romans, to pacify them and so they'd "turn the other cheek" so that the jews could remain in power in judea and in other high power positions within the empire. The real rome ended after Lucius Verus and the Pax Romana

>they literally tried to murder them
By making them citizen?

Salve frater! I just got my archaeogenetic test two weeks ago, seems like I have lots of similarities with several Roman burials from Central and Northern Italy from the 3rd and 4th centuries AD (besides my other ancestry from the Scythian Glinnoe kurgan). Lingua Latina should become the official EU language and we should have a Senate with two parties - the Populares and the Optimates. Cmv.

Attached: rome-jews.jpg (679x960, 103.78K)

>made all of them look like shitskins
Meds are shitskins my dude. Plus a couple of them are arabs/berbers

>The skin tone I chose s, of course, totally speculative

Thick and dense hair apparently means “Afro-textured”

Adopting Christianity is the only thing that made Swedes remotely important. And yeah it definitely wasn't their reliance on barbarian soldiers that turned on them every eight fucking seconds

Nigger the Pope literally stopped Attila the Hun

>western europe is majority christian
> even fucking iceland
Rightful christian clay

Attached: Lutherian church of iceland.jpg (1280x853, 341.6K)

Trump is Nero.
>inb4 historically illiterate retards don't understand

Yes, Balkan people are chads.

>holocausted the entire judean race from the face of the earth
>united the continent not by multiculti, but by forced integration and romanisation

Come on swissbro, you gotta bait harder than that

You're brain dead user. Nero hated Christians more than anybody else and literally lifted all laws that inhibited jews and even converted.
Gas yourself for being retarded shill

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Wrong wrong wrong, the guy is a propagandist for the re-writing of history to fit the marxist narrative


Caesar was not an emperor in the monarchical sense. Otherwise, the best ones are Augustus, Vespasian, Trajan, Antoninus Pius, Diocletian, Constantine the Great.

Why is Elagabalus a Japanese boy?


>christcuck endorses the s*veran, a dynasty of literal arabs moors and nafris who destroyed the empire, gave citizenship to non europeans, caused the crisis of the third century, persecuted europeans, and created the thing "elegabalus"

do you have any better picture I can use next time? here is the same idea with coins, you can see the decadence and how the quality goes to shit with time

Attached: spot where it all went wrong.jpg (1447x2048, 2.07M)

But to be fair

Attached: Lorenzo de Medici.png (1038x740, 1.11M)

>Christianity was used as a subversive weapon against the Romans
So you just ignore the Byzantines existences entirely then?
> to pacify them and so they'd "turn the other cheek"
No. Read Just war doctrine

Rome's fault at best was not understanding their strong ethnic bond, allowing them to survive even after Judaea was literally cancelled from the face of earth. The metastases of jews in Europe and entirely and exclusively the fault of christians who allowed Judaism as the only licit religion alongside christianity.

>Christianity was used as a subversive weapon against the Romans
It was used to unite the Romans in a time of recurring civil wars.

No, it did not. That's a 18th century thesis that's not factually based, since during Constantine's time the Empire was again at peak strenght, as well as during the times of Theodosius the First and even Justinian. Economic crisis, barbarian invasions, mercenary armies, corruption and lack of passionarity killed the empire, like they kill every empire eventually.

I'm amazed you're crying about arab moors so much despite being one Mahmoud

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>literally lifted all laws that inhibited jews and even converted.
>"saint" (((paul)))
>screeches about people calling his religion jewish
kys schizo.