Once the shareblue shills and migafags leave can we just return to a comfy libertarian board?

once the shareblue shills and migafags leave can we just return to a comfy libertarian board?

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libertarians are liberal-lite faggots and get the rope too
Zig Forums is a nazi board

/Pol is and always will remain a Revolutionary National Socialist board (and pro White woman).

No we can't because libertarianism is dead, you guys need to just join us in fascism. MAYBE once all the nonwhites are deported we can discuss a libertarian zone where you can be left alone, but that's the best deal you're gonna get.

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Libertarianism is just as Jewish as communism and capitalism

Ron Paul is an Anarchist fraud. All he wanted to do was speed up the collapse. His friends wanted to destroy America. Fuck him. Stroke out old man.

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We shut his lying fucking mouth. We'll do all of the "liquidating" Ron.. lmao


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You Libertarians with your beliefs in "Limited Government" and "World Peace" where people leave each other alone, yeh by the way, whats up with that? Silly Libertarians, stealing is easier than working fer it, didn't ya know?

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