Germany Warns Trump: "We will step in with our Military, if Trump refuses to leave Office tonight"

> Secretary of State Heiko Maas demands compliance with the "rules of democracy"
> "We will help militarily, if Trump refuses to leave the Office tonight"
> When asked by reporters of DER SPIEGEL, Maas said "We expect him to cause chaos"
> "The future of the world will look devastating"


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I'd rather have Hitler then Trump!!!!!!!!!!

I thought they are the same

What military?

What the fuck
Hans step the fuck down this is your first and final warning

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God, I would love to kill a bunch of Germancuck pieces of shit with my weapons. Please fucking try it.

I'm scared bros. Their broomsticks are mighty

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good fucking luck germany we'll glass the entirety of europe of you set one fucking wiener schnitzel boot on the ground.

God i hate europeons what a useless globalist shithole. Brazil is better than you fuckers and they're half nigger

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You will be shot and your bodies will be used for fertilizer.

Sorry Germany you need to get back in the cuckshed, you're on lockdown remember?

Trump is Hitler without the charisma, intelligence, bravery, passion, self-control, ideas, integrity................................................................................................

So this is all coordinated

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Does Germany like getting its ass kicked?

Nuke our biggest cities. Can't go wrong with that

Is he a social democrat? They usually sound unhinged.

Does this idiot not understand that the president doesn't actually leave office until January?


german user comfirmed in last thread thats not what he said. fake happening

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Remind what happened last time Germany declared war on America

Oh no no watch out ameribro's the germans are coming with their broomstick machine guns since they are to poor to afford real ones.

What the FUCK Jack Dorsey! Do your fucking job and CENSOR THIS FUCKING KRAUT FOR INCITING VIOLENCE!!!!!

>German Military on US Soil

$5 says that would be the nail in the EU's coffin.

Why do all these fucking retards not know that even if he would lose he'd still be president till january?

under no situation would Trump leave office tonight. with how much you dumb fucks obsess over our elections you could at least try to learn how they work.

How the fuck he intends to get over the Atlantic? Time to cut down the meth Hans

Germany is full globohomo. I hope Trump wins, just to piss of this smug face niemand.

Hilarious. They think they can influence our election when they cant even get our bases out of their country.

Stay the fuck away from North America, we shitpost a lot but we WILL defend our allies

wouldn't wanna be an american soldier on foreign soil right now

what you think happens when cali and new york secede after trump refuses to accept his defeat tonight? you're dead meat, larbrains, expect hellfire from cartagena to okinawa, nobody sides with trump

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I hope Trump launches a cruise missile at this kraut.

Second hand embarrassment watching him make a clown of us, spouting unenforceable toughboi words.

you and what army?
our lads made one if not the best attack helicopter on the planet and you krauts mounted a single fucking M2 HMG and called it a day.

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LOL a bunch of Soviet rape babies. Wish a mothefucker would.

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My Mosin has killed krauts before, It'll do it again

dats rite
prepare your anus

I love how the left presume that Trump has this burning ambition not to leave office if he lost the election, just because some nobody on Twitter said so.

made me laugh

Now I know why everyone went to war with the Nazis.

>Germany gives us a proper Hitler to sort things out.
Awwwww, I knew you loved us.

>they're falling for it AGAIN
someone should make a screencap at this point

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Still voting trump.

Don't listen to him, they just want to take care of the social democratic asses of the European elites -which don't even have European blood-, WTO IS DEAD DAMN

while you are busy getting slaughtered in the atlantic, we will fuck your wymynz, nordcucks

Germany lol plus fuck burger election and fuck you unless you join with us to win war except losing. You need allies to win a war dick heads you can't take the whole world on your own nob head nazi

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You expect a g*rm to understand finer complications of politics?

My grandfather spent all of 44 raping German women en mass in Aschen....

I'll fucking do it again if you step one foot on my Ameribro's soil, Abdul

They are almost night and day. It is an insult to compare him to Trump.

Nukes will fly before a single Kraut touches our soil. Remember, behind every blade of grass is a rifle.

You want some fuckers? Bring it on

Heike is such a cringelet.

.....and how are you german cunts getting across the Atlantic again? How will you ensure air superiority over the Eastern Seaboard?
go back to fapping to german anal porn and let burgers handle burgers. Eat. Shit.

Based oldburger

>"We will help militarily, if Trump refuses to leave the Office tonight"
where did he say that?!!

Germany took on the world, twice. You lost to rice farmers and goat herders.

peak clown world

I'm positive I'd get merc'd, but I'd at least be taking one Kraut down with me.

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That's not what he says. He says he wishes luck to everybody and hopes it will remain calm.

please let this be true, i'd love to watch germans get slaughtered wholesale for a third time

Oh please do Klaus

Well, looks like the krauts wanna give us more targets with the blue hats haha...

I wish this cabbage sniffing asshole would.

Why do you love niggers so much, mutt?

Deutsche Bank is going to seize all the Trump Towers to pay off the $320 million dollar debt. kek

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please try, I would love to collect your mg3's and g36's from your corpses.

Why would he leave office tonight?

At this point, I think Poland is stronger militarily that Germany. Germany would be better off as a vassal of Warsaw.

This might be the gayest thing I've ever heard.

Watch out, they'll beat you with those broomsticks.

Ahhh Germany trying for the reverse hat trick I see.

Didn't lose to Germany tho

oh please try
fucking PLEASE!



We are hungry for action.

Ready to get your ass kicked again kraut?

Try and you'll meet your god Mohammed

The bravest political movement in history was suffocated in its infancy by Anglokikes.

No one is scared of you faggots


You will NEVER NEVER defeat the human spirit! You'll NEVER defeat GOD! You'll NEVER WIN! NEVER!!!!!! NEVER EVER!!!!!!!

Is this the same German military that is so underfunded that they have to train with broomsticks instead of actual guns?

Also, how do you plan on getting your troops here? You have no navy to speak of and we certainly aren't going to let you come in willingly.

Its kind of sad really

Put down the gun, Newt Gingrich.

Do it. Please. I've always wanted to shoot some Germans

Guess Germany didn't learn from the first 2 times they fucked around and found out.

Haha german military, what a joke. Last i heared of them, they made a consisting effort to make the miltary more diverse with handicapped, trans and poc people.

dude if germany attacked us our rednecks could take care of it, we wouldn’t even need our real military.

This, expect things to kick in full swing.

the perfect europe doesn't exi--

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What's the point in trolling like that, Kraut ?
You'll never do it and everyone knows, might as well dress up like a clown.

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tonight? i thought hid term ended on january 27th? or some date like that...

Isn’t almost the entirety of Germany’s military aside from the toady officers composed of nationalists and literal National socialists?

They might want to be more careful with how they use that machine as it may not be as loyal as they think.

Exactly this.

Yeah I figured, but social democrats often sound unhinged with their threats to discipline countries who don't take refugees and shit.

BASED camo

80% of the German army would be Turks and other specimen.

>> "We will help militarily, if Trump refuses to leave the Office tonight"
verlinke deine quelle du stricher

The eternal kraut. You really don't want another war with us when you're already dependent on our military to defend you.

I’m anti Germany now? Da fuk?

good joke. pls nuke berlin ameribros after that we can all life in peace

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Losing twice wasn’t enough?

I would love nothing more than to have foreign hostile soldiers on my soil just once while I’m still able-bodied

If you read between the lines that is not what he says. Though the military part is indeed bullshit.

This, EU depends on NATO = US military

kek. you faggots are so fucked.

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Oh I'm very scared what you gonna do kraut? Nothing that's what

check'd and ok

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Woah what the fuck? Has this ever happened?

Soon the German will feel the Superiority of the Pure Negro American Soldier. Prepare your anuses.

cod meme optics

Fuck Germany, fuckin losers.

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Let's actually vote the fucker out beforehand. Hoping it means the US military is somewhat divided even if some of it is still loyal to Trump, a state of civil war is basically the only way German troops (or pretty much any other opfor) wouldn't immediately get annihilated by the US

You can touch my monkey

It’s more than some nobody. It’s the corporate media establishment’s talking point that they’ve been nurturing for months now

The peaceful transfer meme was meant to culminate into this. Trump either declares victory today and the media goes crazy about his fascist tendencies and ignoring mail in ballots that will trickle in. If he doesn’t win today, media claims victory and he can’t dispute it because he’s against mail ballots in the first place

They are accusing their enemy what they are culpable of themselves. They have yet to accept the 2016 results

>tfw Germany loses the war of American succession bigly


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And they even got rid of special op group because all of them are right wing.

embarassing. SAD!

I'd love to see the United States completely squash germaniggers.

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>Der Spiegel

Isn't that the most biased Berlin rag you guys have? Please, just don't send the Belgians.

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You wanna kick off a real no bullshit shitstorm let a foreign military power come here and try to forcibly remove an elected official, especially the godamn germans.

What are they gonna do? Suck every dick on sight? Give away free sex change hormones? The German army died in 1945, Americans would rape them in a blink, these eurofaggots are delusional

>Germany invades the US to remove Trump
>"See? He literally is Hitler!"

Give us the green light to glass them boys

>For I cannot divest myself in the faith I have in this; my nation. Cannot divorce myself from the conviction that this nation will one day rise again and I hold the firm beleif that those who today condemn us will hail with us for what we have created, hard won and bitterly acquired: New German Reich of greatness, of honor, of strength and of justice.

>We're gonna beat china, make america great again, love you [does retard impression]

OMG they're the same!

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Krauts won’t do shit

He didn't say that german cuck
why must you trick these retards every day

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Berlin needs to be bombed again?

all the good germans died during ww2 and we are seeing the shockwaves of that effect to this day.

Germany is BASED. Oh my god, if this actually happens.

If Germany is retarded enough to pull this shit we will re-enact the WW2 Dresden bombings

What are those shirtless gimps in the back?

Of course you would youre a nazi


don't get your panties in a bunch just yet. Heiko is a known and despised sissy manlet who speaks for nobody. we ourselves are bewildered how this emasculated twink got into office.

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Uh... even if he loses, Trump still has about 2 months left in office. If he wins, it’s 4 years and 2 months.


Get some.

no matter what tonight's outcome, Trump's first term doesn't end until January 21, 2021

When Trump wins Maas knows his days are numbered

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oh no, not the german army

>germany will invade America

Good leaf

this is teh second time you make this damn threat

Jan. 20, 2021...

sorry bro, you're gonna need diving gear for that

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Because fake news?

+every radical nationalist in Germany would fight for Trump. Heiko Maas is one of the most despised politicians in that sector. We call him "censor minister" due to all his actions in censoring right wingers online.

This sounds more along the lines of reverse psychology, because they would rather be annexed by the USA, than fall to the muslim hordes.

no it's not.


Come get us nerds

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y'all can't take care about turks in your own country, now you'd plan on pseudo invading the states. plssssssss germania


After we ass fuck them


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Go back to sucking cockroach dick you sandnigger worshipper Maas.

what military?

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Everybody who believes these Fake News is even more retarded than OP

I love Germany with all my heart, but this is a fucking retarded thing to say... it is completely unfeasible and a needless provocation.

Yes also the Ruhrgebiet.

Wont get past me krautfags

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What did you expect from our retarded leftoid government...
And if you'd know how much of a joke our military has become, you'd realize this is a bad fucking joke...
Just laugh at them.
Maas the fucking manlet should lead the "intervention" , so you can shoot him first.

So we’re at war with Poland and gassing Jews ?

did they not learn from the last time US and the Russians Pigsplit their country..?

What militarily lmao?

Also threatening to fuck with another country's internal politics... I thought you had learned your lessons last time you bitches. If Don gets re elected he will ass rape you, why would you even say such a retarded thing?

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Hey hanz, didn’t you guys learn the last time you tried fucking with us militarily?

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Bomb G*rmany


I loved him when he was with The Kids in the Hall, ngl.

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does it look like that to you?

Ugly globalist cult member, look at his face


Just kill anything that moves

No matter who wins Trump is president until January at minimum.

Bring it on motherfucker.

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Declaring war on a nation’s election result? What a moron. Germany is meddling in our election. GTFO

Well I guess dead German soldiers will pile up on American soil. You have been warned krauts,

Muss er nicht. schau doch, wie die affen hier abdrehen. Lmao

He#s still a kid in the hall. Pic is him.

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ffs user I can only get so hard.

That’s the question dopey

please dont think that anyone in germany is supporting what maas is saying. not even the other politicans are giving a fuck about him.
hes the yamcha of germany

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The German Administration has already lost all respect to be taken seriously.
I think I'm going to dedicate a lot of time to harassing them

They look like oversocialized bums anyways. All I need to do is just twist the dagger

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he did not say that

>inb4 KSK cleans house

Fuck these leftists are dangerous and deluded. What has Trump done in the last four years that have been even remotely close to what they told us he would do.

Kill all German kraut nazis

Heiko Maas has the most slappable face I have ever seen.

Time to remove some krauts a third time.

quality schizopost

okay man

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>fuck with another country's internal politics
how dare they..that's our job!

The only good German was an Austrian.

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i want to add that you guys are fucking rude

Reminder to USA to not confuse us with Hans when you nuke em.

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Germany about to become a 3rd world country after a healthy dose of FREEDOM

>pathetic g*rman yurocucks whose military is under control of some old gynecologist are trying to threaten the country which could wipe their shithole into the oblivion by merely pressing one button


Fucking do it niggers ready to shoot you anytime.

There are more armed people in my one kid sizes county of Michigan than Germany could field as an entire army. Half of Germany are Muslims who won’t fight.


he did not say that. This is what he said

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We're gonna kill all of you mutt shits. EU will occupy and exterminate white incels of Zig Forums.

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>supposed nazi board is calling for mdk on Germany because a fake news troll post

I mean, yeah, more or less. That's why you fucked with them last time, they were trying to cut in our action.

jokes on you, im learning german. ill just kill a german, takes his uniform, and disappear into the kraut.

Lmao that's not a fucking threat. Germany has one of the most pathetic militaries in the West. When their pilots go to air shows they're not even allowed to do their own demonstrations because their own country hates them

Lol Germany ain't gonna do shit. Their army is only like 15,000 people and they don't even have guns for them all. They're truly a pathetic country.

>Foreign troops attempting to occupy DC

Please, i can only get so erect.

I'm ashamed to be German. You are cucks.

Just for saying this, I seriously want our armed forces to come into Germany and do to the Germans what the soviets did to them when they were rampaging all over Germany in WW2.

I don't even care, this shit enraged me. This is literally war starting words being thrown around. Fucking kraut bastards just think that the fucking world should be as cucked as them, huh?

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Topkek, the USA is the only reason you traitors of Europe even have an ""army"" at all.

this will not age well

This is the fantasy of half of American's both Trump and Biden supporters (well maybe 25% of Biden supporters)

German war threats are hollow unless they come from a kaiser or fuhrer.

Germany lacks the troop transport, I'd say go ahead.

Bad cat! Slap it again!

Just look at his awards and u know what´s up.
Hate this faggot!

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> "We will help militarily, if Trump refuses to leave the Office tonight"
The linked article didnt mentioned it and not a single tweet from him implied that. Zig Forums being Zig Forums again

Germans actually think like this btw.


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Wow, they truly are pathetic. I feel like invading Germany would be the same as invading Iraq back in 1990. Their military would get absolutely crushed by air and naval bombardment and any remaining troops would just mass surrender as soon as our ground forces arrive.

The only thing Germany had passed away in Argentina. Fuck new Germany

Last time I checked they were bawling their eyes out when Trump had those 10k US troops stationed in Germany to pull out.

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Poor german anons I'm embarassed on your behalf

lmao what military

It's just another slide thread, all fields.

yea, a nation geographically smaller than most states, and 1/4 of the people will invade the USA, an ocean away, and a military budget larger than the world combined, and owning nearly half the worlds guns....

good luck faggot. will be a shame to do the jews job and destroy the german people for good

Chad optics.

This guy looks like a onions boy. Like he got swirlees in the toilet in grade school. GTFO here. You don't even have ICBMs with multiple war heads strapped to them you stupid fuck. Your whole fucking country could look like Berlin in 45 in a matter of seconds. BTFO.

you post doomguy yet I'm the one with the double barrel and assault rifles.

I was thinking today about this, and thought maybe the European lockdowns happening right before the election, are a precursor to European countries blocking right-wingers from leaving to fight in the 2nd American revolution, and/or so European countries, aka globalhomo, could send troops and we'd be blocked from helping America. Shit is about to hit a turboprop fan.

It's almost as if Germany has been infiltrated by people who wish to harm Germany from the inside by representing them in a poor light.

This is why europoors shouldn't comment on american politics, it makes them look stupid. These retarded krauts don't even realize if Trump loses he's still in office for months.

The only reasons german soldiers would ever step foot on American soil is no less than freedom and a chance to get out of this country and straight innawoods to escape the clownworld that Europe and in particular Germany has become.

Based. I encourage that.

If Germany does it with a National Socialist flag, that could be fun

kek they're just gonna end up killing each other

You're kinda cringe

Lmao how

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