Do you know any non-whites irl voting for Trump, Zig Forums?
What race and gender are they?
Do you know any non-whites irl voting for Trump, Zig Forums?
What race and gender are they?
me retard
No and all my white friends abandoned Trump for Biden this year.
me, if I lived in the US
im black
im voting for biden
Me Changzilla
/ptg/ has had at least 14 confirmed black voters for trump
I know some natives, and some black people who are.
Imagine being this cucked
Me, i’m black. Trump isn’t perfect but he better than Beijing Biden.
spic and trans :3
Not entirely clear, is it your race or your gender that is retard? Both?
Only if I can skull fuck you.
I know Indians, Koreans, Hispanics, and even some of my Cantonese speaking Chinese friends that are voting for Trump.
based retard race
All the Mexicans where I work are going full Red.
Its great when Minorities knows whats best for them.
Go on little pumps ig comments and see all the base niggas
Yes. I know many redpilled blacks. They love Trump
>Nigga sent me 1200$
>nigga tells it like it is
>nigga fucks hot bitches
>that other ass nigga old
>republicans like guns right? I'm wit' em'
Also me and my brothers and my wife and my mom
I am a brown dude that did and a lot of other brown dudes here did
>other ass nigga
kek dey do be "speakin" like dat doe
Mexican war vet that worked as recon is voting for trump, he’s in my welding class
Yes, black male.
dey do tho dey do
My best bud is a 2nd gen Mexican American voting for Trump. Hai family is too, everyone sane wants a good place to raise a family.
>No and all my white friends abandoned Trump for Biden this year.
I’m American and I voted for Trump.
I know at least two mexican friends who are voting Trump with me, but they're both based second generation, it's third generation kids that fuck everything up.
I'm a halfrican first-time voter who voted Trump. I convinced 4 black family members to vote Trump. My German Blasian gf who was a leftie voted Trump too. I've convinced about 5 black and Hispanic females to vote Trump. & Don't give me that "based black bro" shit. I'm just a nigger tryna earn my spot in the ethnostate
>Do you know any non-whites irl
Several hispanic guys
black chick friend married to my bestie
Well at least the disabled are getting some representation