>people can be coerced to vote and it's IMPOSSIBLE for law enforcement to stop >people can SELL THEIR VOTES and it's IMPOSSIBLE for law enforcement to find out >booths would stop vote sales since it would allow people to vote regardless of who they took money from making this a lot more difficult >people can tell others what to vote for, which in a booth would be a FEDERAL CRIME >election is being decided literally on a margin that could fit a voter fraud operation, which some democrats were caught doing
>A crucial part of the verification process is done in PRIVATE USPS PROPERTY WHERE NO CITIZEN IS ALLOWED >A crucial part of the verification process is done by UNIONIZED WORKERS FROM A DEMOCRATIC UNION which can easily stamp votes received after the polls have closed into the system >the current battleground states will receive ballots as late as THREE DAYS AFTER THE COUNTING STARTED AND BROADCASTED TO THE NATION >the votes are being handed over sometimes in USB drives
have you chosen your new name for when they send you to Biden's estrogen fueled de-escalation camps, OP? just think! It's only a matter of months before you become a real girl! you can finally have sex and pass on your white genes, isn't this what you wanted?
trump will win fags will cry nothing ever fucking changes
Bentley Robinson
lmao cry more
Carson Powell
Reminder this girl has a colonoscopy bag
Jace James
you're right. this is a coup. we need to take over the country by armed force to stop this illegal action, just sayin'
Jordan King
Don't care about US banana republic. Can a just get the SAUCE pwease?
Cooper Hall
Ignore the shills, this is important. The fact that the whistleblower gave a name and location of the perpetrator, he hung up on Veritas, and the post office got a DOJ visit proves its legitimacy. Keep this thread bumped.
Yep. Pretty much. I've had it. Their only defense is the ghost of fear their severely under-numbered and under-powered icons are (FBI, etc) and constant fear re-enforcement (like a bully) "You won't do nothing about it, bitch"
Literally it's time to just up and kill them. They don't know when to stop and mortality will teach them when to stop.