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When will he kick himself out?

Day of the scope

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leafs go first

The absolute state of this "election" is shameful. Shame on the alphabet agencies orchestrating this nightmare.

Ave, Caesar, nos morituri te salutamus

About to witness history bois... God bless America!

damn trump, save the kvetching when you're safe in tel aviv

I'm not the one in a shitty fucked up country who can't even get a simple election going lmao

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Iowa was the preview. communists will do commie shit.
they won't be able to get him out of office though.
He doesn't have anything else to fight for but America.

in 4 more years

>Wray to be fired

He'll back down. Trump pussies out of everything and the GOP won't have his back.

I just found 40,000 biden votes on my nintendo switch
its over DRUMPF

Stfu you cheese smelling faggot

it is time.

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Knew this would happen, Trump is going scorched earth but I can't say I blame him.

My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us...

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No you guys actually legitimately vote for gay communists to replace you with third worlders lol

Joe was right. Turns out this election would be a battle for the Soul of this nation. I don't think he understood quite what that mean.

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Is he commiting sudoku?
Will he stream it?

Suck my dick.
You too.

When Democracy rots, Augustus must renew it

should have been done a long time ago. I wouldn't doubt the FBI and CIA rigged this election or some foreign country like the UK. fucking snakes.

who knew that calm would last so long?

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January 21st, 2025

Is that bitch wearing a fucking heart necklace? Remind me again why women are even talking about important issues?

>vote for communists

Do amerilards really think communism is voted in?

Didn't Trudeau get like 30% of the vote?

4 years too late. What a fucking waste of a presidency.

anyone has that trump's face picture with an eagle behind his head?

Your country has never been real you cheap usa knockoff

Something like that... we can call an election at any time tho. We almost had one.

no. no more elections after this. liquidate Congress immediately.

he's gonna try and burn shit down on his way out LOLOLOLOL.

for a president who loves the USA and its people, he sure is a lot more active about securing his second term (avoiding jail and debt) than he's been about preventing covid deaths

what is funny is how absent joe is, he is so riddled with infirmity and dementia they can't even trot him out to say a few words.

Is Trump going to improve his hiring skills so he stops putting more swamp in power, or is it all theatrics and his hand is tied?

Do you think that Biden was voted in?

and only 4 years too late.

Fuck off mutt. War of 1812 proves you yanks are useless with your obsession on shitting on brown people.

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When a prime minister doesn’t get a majority of the seats they have to make concessions to other parties to retain power. In this case cuckdeau just has to be even more commie and cuck to the NDP so he can stay prime minister.

Canada? Is it even a country? I always thought it was a name of syrup.

checked and yes

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>canada taking credit for Britain's achievements
Many such cases. Maybe you guys shouldn't have split up if you still want to claim your country has a history or culture.

Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself

Sure he is Cletus.

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>the UK rigging the election of the US
What level of Paradox games thinking is this

God bless.

Britain has seeded more successful nations, their only unwanted bastard son was the USA.

We use a multi-party system and we don't vote for the PM either. The PM doesn't hold a lot of power at all really he's just the speaker of the party.

right, but you're also irrelevant outside of drama involving Trudeau. not that it's bad to be an irrelevant country, but you get none of the perks for it