>last election
>trump wins and dems lose their minds
>they create a conspiracy theory about how Russia rigged the election
>magatards make fun of them calling them sore losers
>fast forward to today
>Biden is winning and magatards on full meltdown
>claiming election is rigged and fake ballots are being made
You can’t make this shit up man
Accept it
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It's funny how the shills come off as angry whereas all anons are in good spirits. Shills are really trying their best to provoke people but only succeed in making themselves mad lol.
I was going to agree with your post, but just then 30,000 more posts just showed up out of the blue at 3am this morning and they all say 'fraud.
Imagine that.
I'm just enjoying the shit show, trolling MAGAshit, and Qoomers
If Biden loses I'll Troll the shit out of the lefties
These has been the best election since 2016
You forgot one simple piece of the puzzle, faggot: evidence. Zero evidence of Russia collusion. Literal flaming shit-heaps of evidence for faggot ‘rat fraudulently stealing votes
my favorite is the graph on here 5 minutes ago titled "no explanation"
All anons know what’s up. We were born in the shilling, steeped in it for decades, this is but a return to youthful nature for the user. Why the shills would even risk coming to a place where they can’t report and ban is an oversight in their part.
user grows up and discovers politics the post
>good spirits
It’s literally a salt mine here