When you see a libertarian in the streets, spit in their face.
When you see a libertarian in the streets, spit in their face
Oliver Sanders
Blake Green
I regret nothing.
Samuel Allen
we are not the ones defrauding the election
you will like it in ancapistan
Cameron Nguyen
the democrats would just conjure up a few k more votes, like they have been doing.
Jose King
>94% of Libertarians who identify themselves by race are described as non-Hispanic Caucasians
Why do you hate white people OP?
Michael Hill
fuck you i voted green party
Christopher Bennett
Biden wouldn't have won if all Republicans had just voted for Jo Jorgensen
Samuel Watson
fuck you and your daughters
William Cooper
suck my nuts and be angry fag
Logan Lewis
You should be strung up Mussolini style. I'd break your spines if we met.