There are actually white liberals on this board trying to make up for 4 years of their seething

>there are actually white liberals on this board trying to make up for 4 years of their seething

holy shit can u imagine being that

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Stage 1

Stage 1

2 scoops
1 term
0 wall


suck my dick.

two genders

no one was ever in favor of trump, it was just irony



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>inb4 "c-cope!!! seethe hahahah!!! wait w-what's a scotus??""

the shills are furious it's beautiful


no shit, dont let them know we enjoy their company

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the best part is no matter how hard they try they all talk like complete gaping faggots it's so great kek

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what will you do if trump somehow bullies his way to a victory? will you ape out harder than in 2016?

It's a bit annoying.

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It's hilarious, especially since trump wont shut up for the next months about. Plus a Biden presidency will be a shit show of unknown proportions. Just a step away from becoming a democrat voter himself.


you can just tell. I can't quite put my finger on it but they stand out worse than glowniggers

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Stage 1

lots of sore losers on the board right now

Imagine thinking Trump could actually win


it's pathetic and sad, and the thought of these spiteful mutants having power of any kind at any level of real life society is frightening.

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I have to say shills have really kicked /pol’s ass. The board is half shill posts at this point.


My 4 years of seething has been made up by your seething in the last 48 hours, and it keeps getting better

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You just know it when you see it


>white liberals

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checked kek'd and correct
niggers tongue my anus

Yeah its hilarious. Gonna be even better when Trump wins the election.

You know tge saying " the tighter the noose the harder the struggle " Theyre coping harder, because biden can still lose this race even with all the rigging.

this is a commie chan now you little bitch


And they don't even realize they just give this board more power

chaos is a ladder

Praise kek

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>can u imagine being that
you can
you'll have the same 4 years :)



trumpfags on suicide watch

They thought Trump losing the election would be their catharsis. But he was the leader of the free world for four years with no political experience and made them seeth all day every day for the duration. Expecting the election to ease their pain is like trying to treat cancer with an band aid.