14,500 registered voters from detroit, all over the age of 100, massive fraud for all to see:
14,500 registered voters from detroit, all over the age of 100, massive fraud for all to see:
Other urls found in this thread:
this is big, this is the hill the commies chose to die on we have to deliver the killing blow now
So is there any evidence that ballots were cast in their names and counted? There's no fraud if they're just there on the registration.
Bump for potential
fucking necromancers
How do you know the source is legitimate?
Send it to the Trump campaign filing lawsuits in Michigan.
tweet this shit to trump
these are just random names unless you provide source
Holy Fucking Digits Batman!
Report voter fraud here
>Report voter fraud here
Report voter fraud here
>Report voter fraud here
Report voter fraud here
>Report voter fraud here
Here's the google sheet exported as csv:
Can’t check mail in ballot status without full DOB... Useless
speaking of dead voters, I came across this tweet and looked at it myself. Not that texas needs a whole lot of help any, but if its happening in texas, its happening everywhere
I don't see how to check. The official Detroit site for tracking ballots wants a full DOB, not just the year:
Where's that data from?
> In the 2010 U.S. Census, centenarians constituted .0173 percent of the U.S. population and a similar proportion (.0175 percent) of Michigan’s population (1,729 centenarians of the total of 9,883,640 people in Michigan).
Holy checkkk
God's work OP!
this image makes my girldick hard uwu
I cant believe this shit is allowed.
Democrats need their shit kicked in.
alright. now show me the ones who voted.
Where's the day and month? This cannot be verified.
send to the trump campaign asap
Digits confirm
Checked and monumental.
What’s source of this? The anons $20 download?
You lost the election, incel.
Nothing you post here will ever close the gap between you and the opposite sex. You will always be alone. You cannot meme a woman into your life. You cannot sage away the ever-present, soul crushing loneliness that hangs over you like your body odor. Your whole life will play out without ever experiencing love. She will never notice you, she will never care for you. You will always, always be alone. You have nothing. You are nothing. You will never escape. There is no shore to swim to, and the water is deep and cold. Sink. Give up. You will always be alone. Stop fighting it. You sit in front of your computer completely alone. You are not in anyone's heart. You are a loser. The game was over before you even got to play. You lost. You are excluded. You are passed over. You are adrift and completely alone. Sink. Let the water swallow you up. Treading water only makes you tired. Struggling does nothing but prolong the suffering. Your only hope is in the deep, in the black, where you will finally find relief from sadness. Sink. Do not hold your breath. Sink. Take in the water and welcome release. Everything is pain until everything is done. Sink. There is no place for you here. You will never cuddle a gf. Sink.