The hashtag "#TrumpMeltdown" is trending on twitter, what if we turn it around on people by saying its ableist by making fun of meltdowns?
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Very good idea!
i like the thought but these people will call a black guy with a maga hat a nigger to his face while marching with blm
thanks hope we can get people on this band-waggon
Ya'll are desperate lol
yeah but they hate being called out on twitter
No one cares anymore dude. As of yesterday, you all became irrelevant racist schizos. Seethe more though.
someones mad
Deapthroat a broken bong hippy fagit.
join the revalution
You losers have absolutely lost the talent that won you 2016. I'm not even a lib, but this is fucking sad.
The embarrassment is relentless.
>twitter is a saudi company
yeah, go for it, that'll definitely trend
How about you go take a flying fuck with a donut hole instead?
Low effect shilling, March off to gulag, no internet for a year
" an obese turtle on his back flailing in the hot sun, realizing his time is over..."
No one uses twitter. If you do, delete it, yourself, or both.
They'll say he's not disabled, just a spoiled, thin skinned man child throwing a temper tantrum because he's not getting his way.
If he was just a little less repugnant, he'd probably would have won.
His personality is his own worst enemy.
>No one uses twitter.
Following it with the OP's intensity of focus is using.
You sound like a ableist.
That doesn't make any sense.
Nah. Kys maga fag
Definitely not a shill. Was here for DAK, Pizzagate, all of the Podesta crowdsourcing, Wikileaks key mismatches, 2016 DNS outage when Assange was actually killed in an airport outside of London, Trump winning. Then it quickly became absolute boomer goblin meal team six trash and I became a leftist that absolutely fucking despises liberals.
Zig Forums has absolutely never pissed me off as much as liberals do.
lets call it... hmmm... operation OP is a huge faggot