I am concerned. Tonight, the President of the United States of America held a press conference...

I am concerned. Tonight, the President of the United States of America held a press conference. Every single mainstream media outlet cut away from his speech, because they decided he was spreading misinformation.

Is there any precedent for this? Censoring the President? Would they have cut away from Obama if he said something against their narrative? This is perhaps even more worrisome than the election itself, the fact that every Media unit decided unanimously to censor the president, live, cutting him off from the American people.

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CNN showed the whole thing but that's because they want to help him embarass himself

it's the President and the American people vs the MSM I guess

>t-the American people are still on Trumps side if you only count the votes we like libtard!!!

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He is spreading misinfo, real conservatives don't support degeneracy

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Trump can't just call the election no matter how badly he wants it to end while he's up.

I want to start seeing boots storm all social media, and Mainstream News tonight before Trump exposes the fraud. They can't censor him if he seizes them and goes full Hitler.

He's literally just spewing the same dumb ass memes that autists post on Zig Forums and your retarded uncles read on facebook except it's sad because he's president of the united states talking to the entire free world.

Georgia will flip soon. It's over.

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They should've added a laugh track and let him go on and on.