My family and I have just prayed as a collective for hours. we are all heart broken this shit is happening...

My family and I have just prayed as a collective for hours. we are all heart broken this shit is happening. What are we going to do? The election was rigged, the police are being defunded and a literal communist is taking the seat of power in the most powerful position in the world. What the fuck is happening? has god forsaken us?

Attached: halp.png (657x527, 13.38K)

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Nothing like all christ cucks do.

Not even a Christcuck but my heart breaks for good and honest people like you.. Trump needs to pull this off.

LMAO at being the a good little Christcuck bowing your head begging “God” (LMAO) to come save you.

No one is going to come save you, especially not “God”. You are on your own retard

Attached: F82567C0-67EA-440B-95E1-AF8CF9724FAB.jpg (1920x1080, 180.52K)

Jews have no idea how powerful Christian prayer
Many such cases

user we are going to win. Go watch bannon on the war room yesterday compared to today. You’ll see why you can calm down

eat a fat black cock Christ cuck faggot. God isn't real and only a retard would think so considering what is happening in the world

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Jesus Christ dude it’s just a popularity contest between kike puppet A vs kike puppet B. Don’t get too upset.

>a literal communist
Sometimes I wonder whether or not Zig Forums believes their own rhetoric