/nsg/ National Socialist General - Reclaim Your Board

Welcome user, to the Volkshalle.
Let's get a rather comfy Natsoc thread going shall we?
Post posters, speeches, art, books, videos, and whatever you have on National Socialism.

Some inspiration:

>The Optics of Ineffectiveness
>The Many Faces of National Socialism by Karl Radl:
> General Red Pill:

卐 - NATSOC Philosophy and Economics:
卐 - Gays, Trans, LGBT, The Degeneracy Agenda:
卐 - The Cultural Marxist Agenda:
卐 - Jews and the Porn Industry:
卐 - History, what caused the war, and what happened after:
卐 - Myths about General Plan Ost and Lebensraum:
卐 - Religion, Spirituality, and Esotericism In the 3rd Reich:
卐 - Christianity is not Jewish:
卐 - On race mixing:
卐 - Misc. Topics:

Have a wonderful rest of the day and Hail Victory!
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Attached: coolerhalle.png (528x459, 265.6K)

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Based. You better not be a spic or a mutt OP.

Sieg Heil brother. We will be blessed with a healthy white society.

So what the fuck does the Right do from here?

It's pretty much over right?

Attached: 1588652659683.png (579x818, 497.4K)

Do not be so down friend, struggle leads to opportunity.

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recruitment is through the roof.
the enemy is going to lose the battle and lose the war.

Sig Heil brothers. Fuck Amnats, the Wignats will inherit the earth.


Attached: fascist_reading.jpg (2655x5043, 3.28M)

When Jews alone believed in the one-and-only God, they took pride in the power of morality. They were more moral as God was on their side whereas the pagans were amoral or downright immoral, what with their wanton worship of false idols. But once the goyim claimed God as their own via Christianity and then Islam, they became arch-moralists with God on their side, and this moralism was often directed against Jews as Christ-killers or Prophet-deniers. Divine moralism, once the pride of the Jews, came to be directed against them. Then, it is no wonder that Jews became less moralistic over the years, at least in mocking the morality of goyim who claimed to have God on their side. But mocking the God of Christians and Muslims was bound to be a sensitive issue. It was one thing for moralistic Jews to deride the amorality of false pagan gods but quite another to mock the God of Christians and Muslims who is the same God as of the Jews. Jews had to find a way to demean the Christian and Muslim interpretation of God without defaming God Himself. But then, Christians and Muslims also did this. Even as Christians claimed to believe in the God of the Jewish Bible, they made a distinction between Old Testament God and New Testament God. But if there is only one God and if He was always perfect, how could He go from less perfect Old God to the more perfect New God? As for Muslims, they claimed that both the Torah and New Testament were corruptions of God’s true message to mankind as finally revealed by Muhammad. Anyway, the problem with Jewish revilement of Christian/Islam moralism was that they could end up tossing out Jewish moralism as well, baby with the bathwater. Resentful of how Christians and Muslims came to invoke God’s judgmentalism as their own moral arsenal, some Jews have rejected moralism whole hog and adopted neo-satanism as the basis for the new covenant with the cosmos.

this. spread red pills. the republicans will be desprite. we will control them.