Any military bros want to weigh in on what's gonna happen in the next few days? Is the US gonna become a actual war zone? Is this election possibly starting a real tangible war?
Any military bros want to weigh in on what's gonna happen in the next few days...
You're fucked. You never should have fucked with the ballots. Make your time.
Pray for your safety.
Abrams rolling into malibu when?
make sure we get all the fucks from discord and leftypol
You idiot dems will be shot in front of ur tranny wives.
nah we good
Literally nothing from us. We will be locked up fast af if we mention anything like trying a coup. Military justice system is no joke.
Plus most of the higher ups now were put in place by barrack hussein Obama... and they won't let it happen.
However, we sure as fuck won't take up arms against people rioting against thus bullshit election either. I would 100% take a discharge or courts martial before doing that
I want to fuck those tits thats what is happening
Submariner here on the USS Neversail.
Shit's about to get ugly. We're craneloading in TLAM-C's (nuclear warheads) and getting expedited repairs to be at sea in a week.
So, if Trump calls in the troops to count and verify all of the votes in the swing states. Then what? Is it even possible?
Reserves stationed in CT, let's just say that we have been drilling a bit more lately.
Space Force here. I can't say much, but just know that the truth is out there
They won't know. Ask someone that's studied conflict/civil war. It'll be drawn out tit for tat scuffles. Anything larger than that will be stamped out by feds/NG. It won't last long before people realize that vidya is more comfy.
Nothing too exciting. Poor people and blacks are going to riot in the streets and kill themselves off in the process because that's exactly who COVID targets. The upper class will watch from a comfortable distance. China swoops in on Hong Kong while no one is looking. Unfortunately Trump's victory comes with a caveat: you'll be stuck hearing about COVID for the entirety of his term.
The military won’t be involved in any of that nor would they even tell us if we were
Can't say how high up I am in the ranks but let's just say we are mobilizing we've been doing it for the last 5months.
I hope so.
And from what I've heard the military is about 50/50 as the country is so there really is no quick resolution to expect.
you guys are so lucky that high command military, mostly all of them are apolitical
post more
No, I havent gotten anything from my chain of command. Stop thinking we are going to take to the streets to defend fat white people. Fuck off.
I can but I want more input on the topic
Tensions will rise until people get their PS5 and Xbox and properly duke out their differences there. We need a safe haven like Modern Warfare 2 where kids can say nigger in voice chat
This kek
Thank you for your service jujitsu nigger.
You’re a hero. Thank you for serving us.
Is that unusual? How would subs or nukes be relevant?
Wait what the fuck, is this Shirogane Noel?
Where did you find these?
Yeah, that doesn't sound bad at all...
Well kek seems to think your fucked bud
I'm gonna need you to upload this folder for me, Chief. I think I might know this girl.
hey so you got any more canan pics and vids or any of her stuff from niconico?
>USS Neversail
God damn. Why are civilians so retarded?
anons are idiots, more so for forgetting something important for non-semitropical states
.......winter is coming.........
No One actively protests in these United States During the winter. No one wants to freeze to death, rip their expensive jackets and snow pants(if they even have any) and starting fires just to survive outdoors isn't in the spirit of most cases(Forgot Russia, sorry)
No military unit currently gives a fuck from what I understsnd.
Get your affairs in order. We go hot in 48.
yes this is canan/ninichan/noel shirogane the vtuber she has an account on where she has vids and does streams of her touching her boobs
who is she?
I find it amazing that her tits irl are bigger than in her virtual avatar,
My dad works at Nintendo. I can tell you that things will get very dark and even more divided. He said that people will stop buying video games.
Nothing will happen except riot control
This man is a grunt. This is true military insight.
Shirogane Noel on Youtube
Don't make Zig Forumstards aware of our cool beautiful danchou's existence.
her channel name on niconico is nyuka nansu
no civil war. there will be a few fat retards getting into fist fights and some asshole or two will shoot another asshole in the head. but people are just going to eat mcdonalds and stay fat until china finishes buying up the US.
Based noelbro
I've been following this entire shitshow unfold for the past 4 years.
The entire conglomerate of mass media and giant lobbies lying through their teeth, attacking the president at any occasion, insulting his figure and everything he represents.
No respect shown. None. For 4 long years.
While the world was calling him an idiot, a fat uneducated president, a failure, and a disgrace for his country.
He accomplished more in his 4 years than most of the presidents that came before him. The job market. The illegal immigration. The stock market. The made in USA.
He made USA richer, he made you stronger, he gave you a job and provided your families with security and stability.
And yet, once again he stands there, alone, fighting against every institution while the largest fraud campaign is taking place.
Don't get me wrong, this smearing campaign was launched a long time before this election even began. By discrediting everything he ever accomplished while mocking everything he ever said.
He trashed his reputation, he fought fiercely against the enemies of your country, he kept smiling at world leaders who were bullying him from even before he took office.
He will always have my respect for that.
And now, here you are, the silent majority, too silent to stand up and too weak and coward to defend your president against this unprecedented and coordinated attack.
It's time to wake up user, it's time to take things into your own hands and fight for what you voted for.
Otherwise things will never be the same again.
Godspeed from Italy.
People will seethe regardless of who ends up winning, then go back to being compliant wage slaves regardless of what the people in charge do, like has been happening for decades. No one has the balls to do anything to the contrary. At most you'll get a few lone nuts going out and damaging property or assaulting someone.
People that think a civil war is possible at this point are totally delusional and coping. They could prove 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt that Biden cheated, for instance, and if the government itself didn't do anything about it, the population won't do jack shit either. Anyone claiming the contrary is a LARP faggot, otherwise they'd have already done something. No one is ditching their home, video games, and pizza pockets to go play guerilla.
Oh yeah did you take one of those two options while stealing guns in 2005?
Coast guard here. Even the normies are redpilled as fuck, and haven't stopped talking about how fraudulent the election is. Heard a few guys talking about how they'd go to the brig before listening to Biden after seeing the past few days.