What do you make of this, Zig Forums?
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They know Biden will start new wars in the middle east while Trump wanted peace.
Jews truely are the worst kind of subhuman.
because there is less jew than sandniggers in us
ballsy, maybe I'll start watching him again
It's almost like most American Jews don't give a fuck about Israel.
It's a warning to the Jews that next time we have the chance at power, we will not be trying to appease them or work with them. We will not forget the gratitude of Jews.
which is exactly why he pulled out the US military before they could complete their full ISIS elimination missions.
>ISIS elimination missions
oh ok, and Iraq was a WMD elimination mission
Yea I am one of them.
The pro-Israel stuff was for evangelicals, not Jews.
Nah I looked at the poll results for east Dearborn and its solid Biden.
Not with Iran
>no proof
Well we need wars in middle east and Biden will make us strong again.
The US was funding and arming ISIS under Obama
They didn't ask me on my ballot if I was jewish, nor on my registration
Meh, they are such a small minority here. There could be a huge filtering effect going on.
This. I'm an American of Palestinian descent and I voted for Trump mainly due to him truly wanting to get EVERYONE out of Iraq and Syria. Giving Iran a clear path from Tehran to Tel Aviv with no external force to act as a buffer is the only thing that Israel fears more than anything.
Because Hillary wanted a no-fly zone which would've prolonged the hell out of the war and killed a bunch of innocent Arabs
Oh but that asshole isolationist who cut down drone strikes relative to Obomber
But ISIS did get destroyed. Pulled out to let the local government that needed help clean up the rest. If they fail then I don't know what else the US should do.
Get ready to drop in Iran boys.
everyone in Afghanistan supports trump because he wants to pull out. Biden is going to resume the obama era drone strikes and funding shia/iranian militias secretly. you guys have no idea how much muslims liked trump
What? Where does Watson get this information? Or is this another twitter schizopost?
we will continue to laugh at MIGA faggots for literally selling their souls to Israel for no gain
lol jesus you camel jockeys are ruthless
>ISIS elimination missions
IS was created by US gov't just like al-qaeda which is why they lost massively when Trump withdrew support
Muslims are retarded so of course they would vote for a retard magnet like trump
We're bombin' with Biden now.
Muslims actually stick to their beliefs such as being against abortion and degeneracy, way more than Jews do. Many Muslims couldn't vote for Democrats due to religion alone.
Biden is a pro war neoliberal corporatist....and a fucking pedophile ta boot.
war jews love Trump, banking jews hate Trump
Muslims respect power. Theyll literally cut your fucking head off over shit.
I don't give a fuck about muslims or jews. In a perfect world the only races in the world that would still exist are the sons and daughters of europe, who would own the entire world except japan, and of course the japanese people who are honorary.
Most American Jews have become debased atheists who no longer care about their religion or their homeland. They worship only material goods and have abandoned the faith of their forefathers. Their Jewishness is a hollow shell.
These faithfully vote Democrat along with all of the atheist, debased Christians who have also abandoned the ways of their forefathers.
Arabs hate niggers
Who's jewing who anymore? It's all so semitic...
Well it’s time to convert to Islam, boys
Gonna miss the bacon, but...
أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ
What makes you think Muslims care about defeating Isis? That's a white neocon talking point. You really think random Muslims really take issue with IS? They dont.
a lot of Muslims, especially immigrants, are actually right wing so in the end they vote for the right wing candidate. pretty simple
Deep down, everyone respects power.
Democrats show that respect by hysterically rebelling against those they correctly sense to be patriarchs to their childlike selves and then posting on twitter about how they are afraid they will be punished for their misdeeds.
lmao, Obama’s only focus in Syria was destroying the Syrian Arab Republic. Fuck Obama, Assad is a great man
Who's behind more of this, Kikes or Chinks?
sup resistance bro?
Palestinian in Chicago here. MAGA
he's talking shit. no way that happened lmfao
They know that Kamaltoe will be the real president and will not submit to an uppity dothead nigger bitch.
>war jews love Trump
>Trump hasn't started a single war and has been pulling troops out of the middle east
This is generally false. Muslims as a whole greatly dislike Trump because he does not embody any true conservative values and has an amazingly shitty personality. Muslims used to vote Red back when they weren't (primarily) Zionist warmongers and actually had socially moral ideas (forget their fiscal positions). Now they're basically on board with whatever the Democrats tell them is good socially (gay marriage, abortion, etc.). The evangelical and hick population also kowtow to Israel now, so that means brown people bad! This means Muslims are considered unwelcome by the GOP.
Zion Don's promise of removing troops from the ME is probably the sole policy that Muslims (and sane people more generally) agree with; America should stop funding ISIS and destabilizing other nations for oil or foreign interests. But Trump is worthless outside of that one policy.
ISIS aren't even muslims. They're ANTIFA. Plus the zionist backed dems have already ransacked the middle east. Now they're using ISIS ANTIFA to strike terror in Eurocuckland to weaken its citizens and create government control under controlled chaos
Where's the best falafel in the city?
Muslims hate faggots and whores it’s not surprising BASED SAND NIGGERS
Yes you will faggot, right wing evangelicals won’t abound on Israel
this, leftist jews are basically our enemies as the left is as anti-israel as it gets
No they are definitely muslim. Its just that americans, specifically white liberal ones, fell for a meme that religious people will vehemently disown their own for being more extreme.
How many times did romney dodge the question about cracking down or disowned polygamist mormons with a weak deflection? How many times have you heard a Christian say something in defense of someone who did something bad in their religions name? I hear it all the time.
Its a MEME. Religious people will make excuses for their own. Muslims in the west dont care about Isis and probably dont even see them as a real enemy.
Muslims oppose lgbtq and abortion
We weren't the only ones fighting them, memeflag.
Pretty much, I voted for him because I hate the left. We want a real conservative. And not some cuck to Israel.
Possible, cuz Albanians, turks, and those type of Muslims that may have secular vents can go trump
>Antisemitic to reject both sides of endless war
glow harder
This. They also had ties to Saudi Arabia, which is a US and Israeli ally.
a Saudi female friend in Riyadh loves Trump, I think a lot of Saudis do
She also dislikes Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Linda Sarsour etc.
Riiiiight. The US would've won a guerilla war.
Wtf i love muhammadniggers now
I'm gonna start liking sandniggers if you keep this up.
Then how come the Democeat party is pro Israel?
Random Muslims in the West do care about defeating ISIS because terrorists attacks by radical/wannabe ISIS members make life far more difficult for them. Muslims don't have the easy PR that lets them do the whole "Oh what a tragedy, thoughts and prayers" that Christians and Jews can get away with in the West. Everybody knows that some abortion clinic bomber doesn't represent all Christians, but Muslims don't have that luxury. They have to keep saying "We condemn these terrible attacks" ad nauseum, and guess what? Low IQ right-wingers still don't believe them!
ISIS being blown the fuck out -> Less terror attacks -> average Muslim can sleep easy.
We all do, we call them Hoejabi for a reason.
A lot of us absolutely hate commies.