Why can't you accept Trump lost?

There's zero evidence of voter fraud at a high level. There's small amounts in every election, but as of now there's zero evidence of high level voter fraud.

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>CONCEAL ORIGIN / IDENTITY: Wear a flag equal to or one grade/step higher than the target. "US" outranks European flags, while joke flags are equal to "US" posters unless proven otherwise. It is normally best to wear only "US" flag or a joke flag which conceals your country of origin.

>“FUTILITY" APPROACH or ITS OVER: In its simplest form, the futility approach is an attempt by the interrogator to convince the target to capitulate because all is lost, it is useless to resist.
>"Review campaign developments in the area of the target thread(s). For instance, if the target's state polling is overwhelming, the target could easily be lead to believe the same situation exists in other critical areas such as the county level, and these areas are suffering a severe defeat at the hands of 'our' voters, thereby making further resistance futile."
>"Your tone of voice, and expressions must be orchestrated in such a way as to induce a mood of resignation on the target thread's part. The voice should be low-keyed, but urgent.

>"EMOTIONAL" APPROACH: You will employ verbal and emotional ruses in applying pressure to the target-thread's dominant emotion(s).
>Fear will usually manifest itself in the general anxiety of survival, physical danger, and the dread of unknown conditions/outcomes--the uncontrollable. Questioning the long-term survival of the party, platform, belief-system, or even its members will result in fear. Both of these general fear concepts will normally be present in the target-posters.

It owns that the same people that spent the last four years complaining about how the 2016 election was rigged are so sure that it wasn't in 2020.

Why can’t you stop sucking dicks?

We keep offering evidence of massive fraud and you keep moving the goalposts. This isn’t over yet.

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Without a legitimate election process there can be no legitimate government.

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>every contested state has evidence
Civil war is around the corner, I made note of everyone in a 2 mile radius who had Biden signs so that, if things pop off, I can take them out first.

>theres zero evidence of fraud
>i-it happens all the time though

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