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She’s not wrong
Lucas Moore
Lucas Jones
Didn't read, troll
Evan Edwards
This bitch is full of shit.
Jason Cooper
Id be silent too if i was dead
Anthony Sanders
>it's weird that republicans are suddenly baffled by the concept of a silent majority
>Biden +45
>Biden +37
>Biden +25
>Biden +15
>Biden +99
Brody Gray
I know 3 sentences is hard for you magatards. Try sounding out the letters.
Eli Johnson
No one cares, troll. Get lost.
Matthew Baker
Eh it's bullshit cope. Lots of libfags had Obama signs, stickers, etc. They all have blm signs. Reality is they voted to get rid of Trump and nobody is actually inspired by a 140 year old skeleton like Joe Biden.
Asher Peterson
Your narrative has collapsed. Trump won. Someone cheated
Nicholas Kelly
>against murdering citizens without due process
>against murdering citizens without due process
seems like you're retarded
Isaac Jackson
yes, she is correct
Caleb Garcia
"policed his community"
didnt he travel across state lines
Nolan Gray
(((Due process)))
James Turner
>couldn't fill a 1600 sq ft house with supporters
>more supporters than Obama
seems legit!
Nicholas Watson
You tell me, why was he where he was?
Parker Adams
oh yeah cause the dude wanted to vacation
Jacob Howard
It's honestly because nobody really actually likes Biden, they're just forced to vote for him because the media told them he's the only one you can vote for other than Trump.
Fucking idiots.
John Reed
That and even though Biden doesn't have a cult following of fanatics, people still vote for him out of their dislike for Trump. I wouldn't go to some boring ass Biden rally, but when it comes to voting, I absolutely pick him over Trump.
Tldr, not so much love for Biden, but there's lots of hatred for Trump.
Austin Kelly
You don't know the answer. Sad
Jose Hughes
Jaxson Gray
A lot of people voted for him just because he's not Trump. Nobody actually likes Biden except for the neoliberals who think 'decorum' Obama in a tan suit and sharing wherthers originals with Biden is the only thing he ever did.
Michael Stewart
learn to take a joke dumb fuck
he wasnt policing his community he was a blood thirsty and just wanted to shoot some one
Bentley Myers
Ah the spinster woman caught on camera in her natural habitat.
Jaxon Cook
Benjamin Smith
I guess the American public are imbeciles, they'd rather shoot themselves in the foot and vote against their own interests and Trump money than vote Trump in.
Landon Nelson
Thanks Chang, very cool. Stop taking pictures of your food
Brody Barnes
To his community, yes.
Owen Ward
a community that he lives in?
Connor Price
GPT-3 bot detected
Ian Reyes
Riot tourism is pathetic when black bloc college kids do it, it's pathetic when pear-shaped wannabe cops with bitch-tits do it too.
Ian Stewart
>uses snapchat avatar thing as pfp
Ugly fat bitch guaranteed lmao
William Collins
Beep-boop you're a nigger
You know that effect when you're too retarded to know how retarded you look to people who aren't retarded? That's you
Ian Gray
Probably a tranny. But, definitely ugly.
Joshua Ramirez
Yeah, Dems prefer rioting and looting and burning down forests and burning American flags instead of waving them.
Jonathan Reed
She is though. I see Bernie stickers on cars still but I've never seen a Biden sticker on a car, even though this is a far left liberal city.
Josiah Long
ill walk into your house and beat your ass since i want to protect my community
Leo Hernandez
>NoT CuLt wOrShIpPeRs
Literally has a cultist dogmatic ideological ideal for society completely disconnected from the nature of reality.
Eli Thomas
Bullshit. Voting isn't mandatory. Historically those people wouldn't vote for anyone.
Noah Sanchez
By all means keep displaying your fundamental lack of knowledge revolving the case. Projecting your retarded commielarping on to everyone doesn't work
William Hernandez
Imagine pretending to give a shit about 3 retarded felons who were literally committing crimes when they got shot dying.
Angel Smith
I'm not the one facing most of my life in prison to defend some other guy's gas station, I don't see how I'm the retard here.
Ethan Robinson
Weird, that happened in my neighborhood, minus the guns. As far as I know.
Leo Edwards
Amagad!!! They had signs!
Connor Richardson
imagine defending someone that uses guns to solve conflicts instead of learning jiu jiutsu
Aiden Collins
There are liberals who cover their cars in bumper stickers advertising their beliefs
How is that different from putting a flag on a truck bed?
Andrew Cruz
Glowing hot