So how are you dealing with the fact that it's over? The West is headed for decline...

So how are you dealing with the fact that it's over? The West is headed for decline, Trump is gone and just briefly delayed the inevitable. I'm still trying to figure out what to do from here.

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Other urls found in this thread:

live your life, have sex.

>it's over?
>The West is headed for decline
The West has been in decline for almost 100 years.
> Trump is gone and just briefly delayed the inevitable.
You're confused. The inevitable which Trump delayed was the White Revolution against the zionist regime. That leads to the renaissance of the West.
>I'm still trying to figure out what to do from here.
Research Golden Dawn, the IRA, Hezbullah, and the Taliban.

Leaving your mother's basement and putting the cum-filled, crusty socks in the washer should be your 1st step from here.

America will fall, but the spirit of Europa will survive and be reborn. Imperialist America falling is not necessarily a bad thing for it's citizen. It may finally return to its roots.
That gets boring after a while and can only keep very simple minded NPCs busy.

Feel ya dude. Same boat. I think it's something everyone has to figure out for themselves. I have to admit I'm more than just a little shocked at just how low the Left sank. Gotta give it a few days to process.

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>have sex.
Definitly going to get fucked the next few years.

I am trying to do that, the problem is that I feel like I have no basis in my life. The nation-state is becoming obsolete and America is especially done for since neoliberals like Biden will rule it and Zoomers/Millennials literally hate the country. I feel like there's no point in wanting to save this country. I just want to fall in love and live remotely with a family at this point, there will be nothing left to preserve once the words of the American literary canon become obsolete, the statues of the founders are defamed and the country is a cesspool of nihilistic debauchery

Gonna just tune out and escape back to video games and jerking off everyday. This was the best 4 years of my life. We were apart of something great.

As much as I want the fraud claims to be real, and I'm sure some are, the campaign isn't bringing forward anything solid and the MSM just deboonks everything.

Back to the same politicians bought up by lobbyists taking turns in the White House for the next 50 years. Hopefully before I die I'll see someone like Trump again but that's unlikely.

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