the arrogance of big tech is fucking amazing
they think they know better than the people actually involved in the process
It's insane that some people support what they are doing, it's so obviously wrong
The arrogance of big tech is fucking amazing
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..... tommy tuberville isn't big tech. he's a fucking football coach.
Look at the warning you fag
t. bot
He's talking about the disclaimer twitter is adding to his tweet.
Trump had four years to do anything about it. He gave tech companies tax cuts and H1B. He deserved to lose
Completely over you're head, gone and away, it just hit the twin towers it's so far over.
You mong the screenshot shows how Twitter fact checks inconvenient posts in real time. Imagine you're giving a presentation at work, and every time you say anything, a guy stands up and shouts "NUH UH!" even when you have figures to back it up
I live in Alabama. Everytime this retard talks about he relates it to football. Like Walter relating everything to Vietnam in The Big Lebowski. I'd rather have Doug Jones
LOL comparing an election to a football game is something stupid enough for trump shills to cling to, that’s for sure