Post yfw Obama starts making fun of Trump for being a one-term president

Holy checked

Trump has L I T E R A L L Y already lost.

really though, being a one termie is pretty cringe

yeah but obongo is a nigger. still, he will be forever. nigger.

I can tell a nigger wrote this.

Close. I wanted an orange man on a nigger presidents neck, not a white man on a Cheeto presidents neck. Can you redo it following instructions this time?

Post yfw Obama, Biden, Trump, Clinton and other war criminals are sentenced to death in The Hague

Attached: 1604292112443.gif (150x150, 41.76K)

Spic but nice try, have fun with the mayates rioting in your neighborhood Biden fag. Niggers fear spics

Well, Trump can say he didn't invade Libya and destabilize Syria, leading to a million or so dead and millions as refugees.

And Dems think Obama was the "good guy". Lol.

>Nazi flag
>Doesn't realize salute is with right hand