How does it make you feel to know that Trump would've won more states, and the whole presidency...

Still don’t regret it. Making a point is more important. If not libertarian than Green party or some other. The point is to illustrate unwillingness to participate in the two party charade.

How does it make you feel to know that Trump would've won more states, and the whole presidency, if he wasn't a total shitbag that tried to save face on fucking up his handling of a pandemic killing 250 thousand plus potential voters?

I wouldn't know, he is still set to win.

Tiananmen Square helps me channel my energy to him.

Those people would never vote for a Republican.

Shouldve repealed the nfa
Orange zog fag

Felt fucking fantastic casting my vote for Jo in MI.

Fuck that gun grabbing kike, Zion Don.

Stop sliding the catalog. If all of Jorgensen’s voters voted Trump, the dems would just add the appropriate fake mail-in ballots to Biden’s total to compensate.