I'm supposed to believe THIS campaign generated the enthusiasm required to surpass Obama's record breaking 2008 turnout by 6% and climbing?
I'm supposed to believe THIS campaign generated the enthusiasm required to surpass Obama's record breaking 2008 turnout...
>muh rallies
A comparatively small number of obsessives that treat their candidate like a living god are not indicative of the feelings of the larger electorate.
Polarization works both ways. Many I assume voted because they were "anti trump" rather tha being Pro Biden.
similar shit happened in here, anti erdo voters became the majority due to polarization.
>trump bad
Only reason he’s winning
wow, it's almost as if rally size means fuck all
Dems learned this four years ago, now it's your turn
Most of them were rioting in the streets for months
nah they're just gonna get caught cause everyone and their dog saw this coming but they still couldn't help themselves. enjoy the sting
He also has the least followers on Twitter, yet he apparently is the most popular president of all time and the second coming of Jesus. Seems legit.
>Biden's section-8 housing isn't polarizing
You retards are surprised that a larger population typically translates to more votes? I'll take a "socially-distanced" campaign over Trump's smoothbrain retardfest any day
Eh it might be, but not as efficient as being anti trump.
But I feel them, I lived in section 8 housing for years and payed full rent due to being an international student. Such is life.
A rock could have beat trump
>they didn't do super-spreader events during the deadliest pandemic in a century so there's no way they won
Enough people died from covid that someone either knows someone who died or knows someone who knows someone who died. It was an utter failure and trump decided doubling down on muh fake pandemic narrative was a winning strategy. And now we know it wasn't.
I know right?
except bernie was actually cheated by hillary, wow sounds familiar huh
>Some or all of the content shared in this post is disputed and might be misleading about an election or civic process
Yeah that audience of white haired boomers look like antifa thugs, definitely the same guys
obnoxiously alienating these people is big part of why they lost in the first place stupid
Twitter is a dead platform the only people that use it are out of touch zoomers and magapedos
Mail in voting dipshit
People have nothing better to do but watch tv and vote especially boomers
Wasn't he cheated by the dems also?
He'll gain followers after he wins, just like Trump did in 2016
>>they didn't do super-spreader events during the deadliest pandemic in a century so there's no way they won
I mean, they did burn down multiple cities this past year so I guess that count.
Rank them in order for me: trump, erdo, our libs, your libs
Twitter is for faggots and has nothing of interest on it now that Trump is over.
>i'm surprised the threat of civil war amidst a pandemic and a global recession on top of it sparked political enthusiasm
the only reason people even care about politics right now is because the world is in an absolute state. fuck it sucks out here. biden looks promising, hopefully he will clean the streets both literally and metaphorically. i'm tired of the rioting, the social distancing, the house foreclosures and job losses... i just want to go back to my life. and i really don't trust trump to create a future like that.
You don't understand, the enthusiasm against Drumpf was so intense that many dead people rose from the graves for the first time and voted for Biden to get the mango Hitler out.
Hate is more powerful than love.
More voters hate, absolutely HATE, Trump than either love him or Biden.