There is one person who may hate Bidet more than anyone else. Justice Clarence Thomas. Bidet lead the senate inquiry into Justice Thomases 1991 appointment to the US Supreme court. Bidet attacked Thomas on everything from his religion and faith to his sex life and affairs. Justice Thomas described it as a "lynching".
Now, 30 years later, Justice Thomas sits on a majority conservative supreme court with Bidet coming before him after a failed attempt at rigging the US election. Justice Thomas will have Bidets reputation, career and very life in his hands and able to meet out vengeance on an apocalyptic scale. Is this what the left wants?
Next up. The 3 Alumnis of Bushes 2000 supreme court electoral challenge questioning the states ability to manipulate election rules. Barrett, Roberts, and Kavanaugh.
For all the le cibil war TOO! talk won't it ultimately just amount to mass civil unrest that an unconstrained 2nd term Trump can crush handily by, at long last, invoking the Insurrection Act?
That's the plan. The left knows they can't fairly win an election and wouldn't be able to competently cover their tracks during the resulting election fraud. They're purposefully juicing up their followers so when the inevitable fraud is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt and Trump is declared the real winner, they'll all fly into a psychotic rage and tear apart the country.
Yes. But Trump held back this year, didn't he? We've already seen how Antifa and the like fall to pieces when met with real resistance. Trump remaining POTUS will make the riots of this year look like nothing but Trump, having fuck all to lose, can finally invoke the Insurrection Act
Chase Harris
Fucking based. These smug fucks will go from elated to foaming at the mouth overnight.
Holy shit, middle aged Biden looks so slimey. Like the villain of some movie. That 60's photo of really young one that's doing the rounds now made him look good and he looks like a benign enough old grandfather now but middle age wasn't kind to the fucker
Isn't this dude conservative and got into the SCOTUS because of Republicans? Why does it matter if he has a personal beef with Biden, wouldn't he support his party?
Brayden Martin
Why does this even matter? Dont all these justices end up cucking out anyway to progressive shit? Whether biden really won or not, the narrative is that he won. No matter what. Even if a few supreme court guys dont cuck out, they cant reverse what the entire media industry has set up