Will he kill himself?
Will he kill himself?
Maybe when Melania leaves him.
He said he would fight to the death.
hes a billionaire with a super model wife and big family. i dont think he really gives a shit. trump won though.
Fingers crossed.
I fucking hope so
When all the fucking legal proceedimg that were frozen due to him being president start going forward he probably will.
but you will
he will candidate again in 2024. or will help kanye get elected. and he needs to raise his son, byron the great, future president.
He is far less wealthy than people believe - this is why he hides his taxes, he doesn't want people to know how little money he has.
His wife is barely willing to hold his hand in public, is probably fucking a pool boy at Mar-a-Lago because ol' orange boy can't get it up.
He gives so much of a shit it's not even funny. His ego can't even handle the thought of losing, so he goes full denial/conspiracy mode.
Trump lost bud, deal with it.
so like 2 weeks
>Trump's last words: IF I'M GOING DOWN, I'M TAKING YOU WITH ME
What do?
When will you fags die already?
He's so fat the cholesterol and diabetes will have him soon.
statistically speaking? After every homo & fag kill themselves. Even after humanity is rid of that mentally ill plague your trump suicide statistic still remains a 50/50 coin flip.
I ran the numbers already and im much more reliable than nate silver.
make a trump president again!
the eternal paradox. its a woman. but also a trump. ivanka 2024
It's so tragic--having experience with people with dementia, I doubt he's even in the state of mind to understand that people don't like him and don't want him as president, let alone why people don't like him. He probably even truly believes there was actually voter fraud. Fuck dementia.
people with borderline personality disorder always crash and burn
>I’m going to kill myself tomorrow
No, he's not a transexual.
No, but he will get sued and loose much of his wealth soon. He borrowed a lot of money and will have to pay it back and his businesses are not profitable now due to pandemic.
commenting about personality disorder and turning a blind eye to the real mental illness which is homosexuality is the kek sauce i needed.
He's right, you know? Trump is what poor people believe a rich person looks and sounds like. Truth is, he's been heavily in debt almost all his life - almost none of his business ventures worked out. And of course his wife isn't a "super model", lol.
>Trump moves to Mar-a-lago
>Melania moves back to NYC
this will happen before Xmas
>Trump gets new girlfriend (Hope Hicks?)
>Starts appearing with her in public
>Melania puts out statement they are separating
>Rudy represents Trump in pre-nup settlement
pretty straightforward
Go and suck off Israel you fucking cunt
He hasn’t got the guts
I think that will be soon. She’s got what she wants from him.
Trump will still be president before Christmas you absolute ducking retard
youve lived through the last four years of trump and you still dont think he gives a shit about winning the election? are you stupid or something?
cope chud