The world is going to change alot in the coming decades, which of the following will you chose, why, and how might life look like for you?
European Caliphate: Europe will be minority white, arabs and negroes will make up the majority population and Islam will be the official religion. Large scale ethnic cleansing of white europeans to be expected.
Socialist States of the Americas: Whites will be a tiny minority in NA without political power. Countries from north to south will will form a socialist union.
Communist Asia: China will have greatly expanded it's sphere of influense, creating a communist empire including most of Asia.
Africa: Wildcard
The year 2050 - Pick your poison
roIIing for africa
Who is this milk mongrel?
>True religion will be the official religion
Based. Europe's dark age will finally end.
I don't know, just google big boob thot, it was one of the first results.
>Europe will be minority white, arabs and negroes will make up the majority population and Islam will be the official religion.
Thats Sweden rn.
take your meds user
Not quite yet, Sweden gets rightfully memed on alot but there are european countries that are far worse off in terms of muslim population. France will no doubt be among the first to fall.
I don't see why any of this is unbelievable?
Racially aware Whites will form a community or state-within-a-state like the Amish, Orthodox Jews or Nation of Islam.
Nice fan fiction. You jerk off to that?
That's because you're a retard.
for me it's japan
Give me liberty or give me death
Part of it is just math, with the rate of immigration to Europe it is given it will be minority white in thirty years. North America is almost there already. Islam will serve as a uniting force among the immigrants in the decaying Europe. With both Europe and the U.S severely weakened China will no doubt conquer all of Asia.
So no, I don't really see any of this as unbelievable.
>Europe will be minority white,
No need, you'll all convert once you see the light.
based booba poster
This is a very likely scenario. I predict we will be seeing an increasing amount of white converts towards the end of this decade as muslims will begin to have real political power in many european states and sharia police will spread outside of immigrant ghettos.
Checked. Sad.
If this were the case, I'd rather live in China
France fucking deserves it for the french revolution. Feel sorry for Germany and sweden tho, they dont deserve it, well maybe swedish women....
holy fcking shit nice digits sir
Honestly why dont you at least pretend to? You could actually use Sharia to exterminate most of the non whites, seeing how they degenerate they usually are
checked, lmao such digits wasted on degeneracy
It's hard to find anything but god damn those milkbags
It has crossed my mind to be quite honest, but in the end I don't want to live under muslim law. In that case I'd rather pick the Socialist America as that probably won't be too far off from current Sweden. And I don't see the muslims exterminating non-whites, it's an imperial religion, they'll want to bring the blacks into the fold to gain power.
There wont be any caliphate in Europe. It will be the same globohomo cryptocommunist bullshit like everywhere. The muslims are being brought in to serve the same goal as niggers in the US. So there can be constant social justice struggle and robbing/destruction of native cohesion in the name of it. The Great Reset/NWO is global there is no running away from it. You either submit or you fight.
Africa sounds good.
whites are dying out and you cant stop it. submit to your Black masters, boy.
China has been capitalist for decades.
If its your own running the sharia law, I doubt theyd actually practice it. And after youve exterminated the foreigners you can go back to your ultra rabid feminism
pls, im here looking for some shits and giggles, not to be blackpilled pls germananon
Sorry, you seem to be a bit too fucking slow to have grasped my point. I'm saying of course it seems believable to you, retards like you will believe anything.
>No Communist Asia + North America ruled by CCP
>Africa: Wildcard
at least i can play my coomer vidya on china
>South America: recolonised by billions of white refugees
If those are the choices, I think the best bet is to go live with the based african blacks
Ah, I see. Might the enlightened man provide a counter point, or is name-calling sufficient to prove a point for a more intelligent person such as yourself?
That actually sounds kind of based, ngl.
The journey to the stars lies in communist China.
Foro de São Paulo will still get to rule this place for eternity
jesus. just sent nano bots at that point
based shit korean