Prophecy Time

>the raven will starve
We are here. I guess it's linked to something related to "lost souls".

>The bear will leave its cave forever
Either it symbolizes California leaving the Union after a hypothetical Trump victory (flipping the tables), or California "infecting" all the union with its politics (the bear is the Californian people who leave their State, the cave, to flee to other States).

>The rod and the ring will strike
It either symbolizes the established order punishment against non-conforming people, or a war scenario. In extremis, it can be a scepter being offered to a man who has been recognised as the legitimate ruler.

So anons, what are your interpretations?

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fuck off

No u

Found the retard

Fuck off with this shit it’s been 4 years

its over user, please stop it.


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Lmao I could also make up a sequence of vague, epic sounding multi-interpretable phrases and wait until something happens that proves a few of them right. I could then start believing that I have prophetic powers, but that would be delusional, wouldn't it user?

>still shilling schzo pol shit from 2016

Oh you pastabros and ur lack of critical thinking.

When the ravens dissappear from the tower of London supposedly the British monarchy will be finished with and even without knowing all the details verifiably they do see to be having some troubles and winding down.