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INCEST BLACKMAIL should replace the nuclear family imo, its the new way people should relate to each other. you want to borrow my lawnmower? rape my 7 year old daughter on camera while i jizz on her face. I wanna borrow your premium grill? i gotta fist your HRT transitioning son for onlyfans cash while you eat the yummy adolescent turds rectally belching out.
the future is bright, Bidenpedos. Drumpf racist is gone and it's time to HAVE SEX.
I can't quite read the moonrunes, but I think Gookmoot is making fun of us
>hundreds of millions of mail in ballots in philadelphia
this guy sounds like he is connected to reality still
Hundreds of millions in cities like Philadelphia and Detroit. Are you a retarded person?
Michigan is a democratic stronghold.
The last election was a fluke.
But go ahead, keep telling yourself trickery is the only reason why Biden is wining.
You're probably right. Let's have an audit just to be sure.
Lol shills got worn out on the last thread.
Like i said in the other thread, this shit is a really good fucking sign.
This guy's a 3rd party expert, just check his Twitter out, he's not part of Trump's campaign nor has TDS.
If he says the ENTIRE fucking election could be affected, it means shit's fucking serious. He was so far saying Trump's claim has no merit, but this affadavit shit and the other things he brings up... holy shit.
I didn't even know there were over a hundred million ballots in 1 fucking city
ever wonder why democrats don't want the audit. wouldn't it be glorious to see trumpers crying all over agian. If you count twice we lose twice!
wait, whats that? you don't want us to count again? why?
oh, oh
make faces for this one!
So now the Election was stolen from him?
Would it hurt the MIGAchuds to have a little consistency?
If Russia couldn't steal the election from Hilldawg, why can they steal it from tRump?
Nice try, shill. Notice in the bottom for, there is a correlation of upticks in counts for both candidates. In the top, it is an anomalous uptick 100% for biden.
All the ones on the bottom spike for both candidates. That’s normal
I've been looking for some easy part time work on the weekends? who is your supervisor?
When is he going to concede, fellow Pedodem? I'm beginning to worry that QAnon is real and pedophile blackmail ring people are all on a big list to be rounded up!
This is, of course, Extremely Dangerous to our Democracy.
it was obviously stolen
that's okay though, you had bipartisan vote observers when you counted the votes to quash even the appearance of fraud, right?
well... guess it'll have to go to court.
Just audit it. Democrats have nothing to fear, teachers and TV news told us they are the good guys.
This is so fucking stupid. For a board about politics, you people are incredibly inattentive if you fall for this shit.
>PA was segregating mail-in ballots that arrive after election day from the rest
>Trump's lawyers sue PA, and succeed in getting Justice Alito to tell them segregate mail-in ballots that arrive after election day from the rest, which they were already doing
>Trump claims on Twitter that they had to get a Supreme Court Justice to compel them to follow their rules (even though they were already following them) to make them sound suspicious
>Trump then parrots more completely unfounded claims about "election problems", obviously with nothing to back it up
The GOP take on this whole election has been completely absurd.
>Bunches of lawsuits and claims and conspiracy theories about fraud
>Said lawsuits and claims can't find a single instance of fraud or any evidence of fraud, meaning they're all baseless accusations to try to make the process seem suspicious
>"Gee, these lawsuits and conspiracy theories keep ending up being totally false, but the fact that there's so many of them MUST mean that there really IS something wrong!!!" -everyone on this stupid board
I ought to get a bunch of buddies to baselessly assert that Trump secretly eats his own shit and drinks his own piss. With the level of critical thinking skills on this board, you'd all be utterly convinced that Trump does both of those things before the end of the week.
He's got a German flag next to his name so yes.
oh, i can play the caps game too
Ted Cruz was smart enough to walk back his claim and admit that there were observers in Philly. Why aren't you?
there is exactly zero evidence that they were already segregating ballots, user.
in fact, alito got pissed about it when he found out that he had been ignored and he wrote a second order.
It's over Bidenbros
If people really voted for that brain dead retard, fine.
The democratic party is already tearing itself apart now that they dont have Trump, even that bitch AOC already said SHE'S GONNA QUIT POLITICS LOOOOOOOL
Why couldn't this dumb faggot surround himself with actual competent people who could make sure that fraud wouldn't be an issue? Why didn't he have teams of lawyers in these state and cities doing everything in their power to make sure bullshit wasn't happening? Why does he surround himself with complete fools like Jared and Rudy?
lol imagine if they can prove that just one of the ballots were comingled
that fucks the whole entire thing looooooooool
that's so easy to prove with how half assed this last minute mail in ballot bullshit was
repeat after me
here's what's going to happen, user.
tomorrow, lawsuits will be filed and petitions prepared.
this will end up in SCOTUS.
SCOTUS will kick it back to the republican legislature.
the republican legislature will choose electors for trump.
what's so hard to understand about that?
It's not him! Trump doesn't talk or tweet like that. The twitter hack was a test. The entire visible internet is under they're control, maybe everything. All kinds of creators have not posted live footage of themselves or have "taken the day off." This is huge.
gee maybe its a little odd that they couldnt staff a fucking night shift in 4 states that were leaning heavily R when they knew exactly how far behind they were. Then, when they resume counting, D takes the lead by a very narrow margin in all 4. They can staff night shifts in every gas station in the country but can't for the biggest event in 4 years?
That jap won't be laughing when the chankoros are raping and pillaging his fish island
>I ought to get a bunch of buddies to baselessly assert that Trump secretly eats his own shit and drinks his own piss.
Why don't you put it into some bullshit dossier and see if the mainstream media falls for it again?
Trump doesn't even believe in the voter fraud!
Go look it up, moron. Ballot segregation was already happening. Alito's order just resulted in having those in charge reiterate their own rules, accomplishing literally nothing.
Just stop already, it's fucking cringe seeing this senile orange retard trying to cling on filing all these tenuous lawsuits where one person was told they had to be within 10 feet of the counting and not 6 feet
Fucking hell America
not so inattentive that we missed the mentions of
>dead voters in droves
>USPS affidavits
>Benfords Law
>massive inconsistency in swing state vote patterns compared to the rest of the country
>your moms fat ass
We investigated one, why not investigate the other?
>you have no response to this
That does look suspect. Too bad I have no way of sharing that with normies since I got deplatformed on social media, lol.
>alito felt compelled to write a second order for no reason
He should fuck off of this site already.
Even Moot was better than this clown who isn't even active on this site.
2ch was right about him.
none of that is real, its all been debunked
clearly there weren't 100 million ballots in any city. He obviously meant thousand.
>Dossier nonsense again
You people obsessively circlejerk over the weirdest details.
>deplatformed on social media
Maybe I should make a liberal alter ego on SM, that cleverly puts out all this info drips blood into the water.
From the based guy's Twitter that Daddy Trump is quoting
>Election challenges are like live torpedoes in the water–you do not know if one could actually hit below the water line. The problem is that, with the tabulations still occurring, there is little ability to judge allegations of voting irregularities.
look at his fucking past tweets, he was pretty critical of Trump not having much evidence
Back to with you shills
>nooooooo stop investigating
>stop asking questions about CIA spy tools that alter election results in foreign countries being used domestically
So how many threads you've already posted these same dumbass excuses into?
weird, it's almost as if Stacey Abrams literally spent two years getting people registered to vote in these very areas
What a coincidence
>obviously meant thousand
hey fagboy retard
do you have any idea
100,000 ballots is
in a fucking city like philadelphia
1,000,000 is a fucking miniscule amount for that city
i'd expect 10,0000
BUT 100,000,000
sorry sweaty i just checked snopes and it was rebunked.
you should check snopes and you should check these digs
Honestly the PA litigation saga is insane.
SC rules that they segregate ballots until a later decision may be made.
COP leaders in PA file that they have not been complying with orders, claiming most areas were exempt.
Alito makes a ruling clarifying there are no exemptions, all of PA must comply.
Another complaint that they are still not following SC orders and can provide no proof that they have.
Alito makes a second ruling, in which PA admits they have no evidence everyone has complied with SC rulings, saying instead other people should have to prove they have been mishandling ballots, which would imply they should be audited anyways.
Alito gives a deadline of 2 pm yesterday to provide proof that they have not been mishandling or incorrectly processing ballots, which was completely ignored.
This is honestly unprecedented, at this point for the SC to not take action would defang their entire court, and possibly lead to constitutionalist and anti-corruption protests in PA and other areas.
I'm well aware that you people are on the side of the baseless accusations. I'm certain that every single person on this board busted at least three three nuts to every made-up rumor.
That makes precisely zero of them true, though.
There was no Hammer and Scoreboard stealing Trump votes, and Dominion is safe.
Anyone saying anything else is just a bitter loser.
yeah, that is weird.
do you think that no one in the history of campaigning had tried that before?
5.5 std devs, user.
it's fraud.
You're right but you're wasting your time. Most of these idiots have downloaded Hunter's dick pics in an effort to own the libs. It's magical thinking for them all the way.
Go back to farming potatoes
You can't see a tiny ass printout with circles within 6 feet, let alone 10 feet. The main point of the lawsuits is to prevent fraud unless you wanted a one party government and no free speech for a lifetime. You might think this is ok because it didn't happen to you, but you'll be singing a different tune once you disagree with them on something and then won't be able to do anything about it
If twitter was smart they would ban him right now since he's pretty much the primary engine declaring election fraud.
Good think they're not smart. They usually wait too late before getting rid of a "problem element" or they act too early. They could never find the precise moment. As soon as Biden was "elected" that was when their hand should have come down and they should have pushed for a stronger censorship of alt-right internet spheres, but once again they're too complacent thinking that all they have to do right now is cruise. They are so freakin dumb and lazy that it's mind boggling.
>senile orange retard
You mean Biden? The dude can barely string together a complete sentence
I only nutted to your moms ass
Suuuuure they were
You can't reason with the tin foil hat brigade. I just come here to watch the meltdown. Feels good mang.
Idk why people think its over its like day 5 and Bush v Gore was settled in mid December. So we got like a month and a half to go.
You are one clueless dumb gorilla nigger
You need to accept the truth.
are you retarded
moot 100% would've nuked Zig Forums or all of Zig Forums by now if he still owned the site
>t. thinks the dickpics are useless
imagine for the sake of argument the following:
>biden's inaguration
>puts his hand on the bible
>user with a projector starts projecting hunter dickpics directly on biden ruining the moment forever
It's a fucking psyop you dumbasses. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire presidential family is being held hostage at the white house, right now.
These are the same people who legitimately believe that this election was honeypot.
They are having delusional breakdowns due to living in an echo chamber for 4 years.
All these frivolous lawsuits are going to get thrown out and we'll be dancing like we are today.
The salt from trumptards will be overflowing.
Its weird how he became the dependent for so many peoples rage.
>you need to accept the truth
who are the people in this video?
what is the context?
listen to what is said.
Lawsuits thrown out for no reason? Goddamn even we literal criminals have better laws
I want to borrow that lawnmower.
user, there is 330m people in the united states, about 80m of those are under 18 if we go by 2010 census data. By nov 3rd we had recieved 100m mail in and absentee ballots. in total 146 million americans voted. only about 100 million americans did not vote.
None, actually. I haven't been on Zig Forums in a long time.
My original plan was to post a picture of Biden smiling, with just a lengthy text of
to make fun of how the GOP's opinion of fraud or suspicious activity depends exclusively on how well they're doing in any given state. I decided against it, though, because shitposting just results in mild annoyance and wouldn't relieve boredom as well as replying seriously would.
You're probably correct. We should recount just so you can gloat about it more.
it's nice that he's constructed his own little fairy tale. But it will never hold up to scrutiny, and the reality is that Drumpft lost.
What the fuck, Haaretz??? Did you archive this?
Nah he is just coping. At least all the low iqs lefties will stop paying attention. Them calling it for joe is going to fuck em as their base stop caring and many of the lawsuits will blindside them.
Listen, if you have nothing to hide, then recounting and investigating shouldn't bother you.
I seriously can't tell if you are trolling or just retarded. 100 million was a reference to overall ballots in the whole country. Not sure it's that big even too
Trumpcucks have the attention span of three year olds. They move seamlessly from one conspiracy theory to the next faster than intelligent people can debunk them.
Even if Trump magically came out and publicly said the was no fraud they would dismiss it as some sort of a q user ploy or a deep fake or some other nonsensical bullshit.
me too, I think Twitter went on a purging spree after election night
he won't be laughing in a few years
he's too retarded to handle Zig Forums but he know that, which is why he sold the place while (((officially))) owning it
You're either a trumper or a troll and honestly it doesn't matter because you're going to have the same IQ either way.