A 12-YEAR-OLD girl was driven to a car park by a man she had met online before being raped.
Paedophile Bhupinder Clair, of Mills Road, Wolverhampton, had been communicating with his child victim on Instagram and WhatsApp before the attack and had asked her to exchange ‘nude’ images.
A court heard yesterday how the girl had told the 24-year-old how young she was and he had stored her in his contacts list under the name ‘stupid.’
Clair had already admitted two counts of rape of a child under 13 and was sentenced at Oxford Crown Court yesterday.
Detailing the case prosecutor Grace Ong said the victim - who cannot be named for legal reasons - lived at the time of the attack with her family in Banbury.
Man targeted, groomed and raped 12-year-old white girl in Banbury, England
Women voted for this
Good. Stupid white women deserve what they get.
Females love to falsely accuse men
Shhh. We know shitskins love to rape.
Why are females so stupid.
Sikhs are bro-tier.
Actually the process of large-scale brown migration to the UK was started by British governments during the 1940s and 50s.
It wasn't written in any election manifesto and was done entirely without the people's consent.
>We know shitskins love to rape.
No, we know that women are race traitors.
>during the 1940s and 50s
So when cunt suffrage became a thing
Have you not observed their evil brown faces and sinister, calculating gazes?
Subhuman brown filth are born rapists.
>legal age of responsibility is 10
but this only applies to white kids. All the beardchilds are too innocent to be condemned.
The dudes on the right got an instant red pill KEK
Women are children. Only thing to blame is kike brainwashing and parents. It's mens responsibility to take care of women over their lifetime.
Sihks still bro tier? Been gone awhile...
A little white girl being raped by a Muslim guy? What wrong with that? Maybe the little girl was a racist.
>Only thing to blame is kike brainwashing and parents
>shitskins don’t love to rape
Mgtow plz.
Based, britbongs aren’t people
It started earlier than that, I think in the early 1920s.
I don't disagree with you, all I'm saying is that in the case of the first commonwealth immigration it was done without the people's consent.
He's pajeet moron not Muslim
cope, biden won
muslims are savages. kill him.
No. Women get what they deserve. Shitskin rapists.
not only jews, Jew media and weak men. Take control of your women. I know you're kike/mudslime based on flag.
Welcome to Zig Forums, newfag
Women are subhuman so they get the blame just like a nigger gets the blame for stabbing you.
Racist white supremacist little girl, how dare she not allow herself get raped by a fat greasy Pakistani man. ARREST HER FOR HATE SPEACH AT ONCE!!!!
Islam is right about women. It only reflects shame on the men in their lives that were too weak and let it happen to them.