So let me get this straight

The Democrats commit massive voter fraud to get the Presidency.....

But don't commit massive fraud to easily take back the Senate and expand their numbers in the House?

You expect me to believe that?

Attached: Demon Charlie Big Grin.png (1000x707, 780.82K)

They would have to do fraud in many more states for that. They just did the bare to give Biden leads. In fact that's why its so suspicious, there are supposedly a huge number of ballots with only Biden filled out if you believe your side of the story.

it's as if they wanted the presidency more than anything
hence why biden got almost 100,000 more votes than the dem senator

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If you think about it as a time per ballot scenario it would add a huge amount of required time to fill in all the bubbles as opposed to one, or in the case of electronic fraud they might only have access to change presidential votes.

Trump lost fair and square

Look at the silence coming from the establishment republicans, this was agreed on. Remove trump and let the status quo return to washington

They just wanted trump out. They also maybe worried about getting caught if it was too outrageously blatant. There are tons of ballots that just have “Biden” checked and no one else.

This is why you will always be a retard.
If the dems also win the House, reps about to be kicked out will support recounting. The fewer politicans affected, the fewer people making noise and complaining.
Hollywood with simple supervillain plots has fucked with your brain.

>"Gonna steal election. Better leave Ohio, Florida, Texas and North Carolina. I will instead steal GEORGIA!!!"

This. They targeted select, population-dense counties in 2-4 states. Manipulating polls in rural arkansas wouldn't be worth the risk/reward

The more people you commit fraud against, the more people to cry out for an investigation. Better to keep the fraud limited, better to allow deniability. Moreover, this allows the defense that the victim is a mere poor loser.

In any event, Democrats are playing the long game, first take out Trump. Next take out his supporters.

This, it's incredibly suspicious. What real person goes to vote and thinks hmmm yes I want to vote Biden, but I ALSO want to have a republican everything else, perfect.
It doesn't make sense for fraudsters to do it, but it makes EVEN LESS sense for REAL people to do it, so which is more likely?

Yes, actually. It's the old guard political caste versus Trumps populism. Populist movements threaten not the system, but the class of people that inherited their position. That's why the Democrats only used fraud to oust Trump and not to cheat the Republican part of the establishment.

So they stole Arizona and Georgia, two states that haven't gone blue in forever?

So why steal Georgia and Arizona? Everyone and their mom will pour over those results, lol.

>You expect me to believe that?
Yes. They also want you to believe the holocaust never happened, the moon landing was fake, COVID19 is a hoax, global warming is both not real and not manmade, the earth is flat and whites are the superior race.

Attached: anatomie de melusine.jpg (758x1018, 394.39K)

>attempt to freeze counting in Florida and North Carolina
>realize you don't really need them so you magically flip each other swing state and conveniently shoot past 270 after 5 days while Trump was still barely above 200

Wasn't Arizona blue like 2008 or so? The Democrats also needed people and power structures in place in the states they flipped via this method. They might not have had as much choice as you think.

with electronic counting they have access to all of the categories, but if there is a repeat pattern of x% change for two separate categories it is much much easier to catch, as it would mean two different variable being exactly the same. The problem is however, they can't realistically know what percent of Dems or Reps won't vote straight ticket, so having two categories working off of the same variable would definitely throw alarm bells through correlation alone. So they only fucked with one and hope that no one is the wiser due to it being harder to detect.

Trump was calling fraud before the election even happened because he knew turnout would be high, which always favors the Dems. Republicans never had a problem with mail-ins when they did it. Now he's trying to claim he won without even saying how many of Biden's votes were supposedly illegitimate or how the cheating happened in several Republican controlled states simeltaneously. He was never going to win.

>memeflag does nothing but project

The Republicans used the Russians to hack the election to get Presidency.....

But don't use them to take the senate AND the house?

You expect me to believe that?

Florida would have been a much better target then. It got hit hard by COVID-19.

>You expect me to believe that?
You expect me to care whether or not you believe that?

The relatively high amount of downballot ticket itself is evidence of fraud.
As many posters pointed out, why would Dems put 100k votes in favor of Biden, but not vote for the Dem Senator on PA, Georgia, Michigan?

Except Florida was the lynchpin of the 2000 election. If one state has proper protocols on vote integrity, it's likely Florida.

>If one state has proper protocols on vote integrity, it's likely Florida.

Florida has been a hotspot for voter election for the past 30 years. Try again.

If they pulled it across the page it would be too obvious.
Also the niggers counting votes were too stupid to realize.

>The holocaust never happened
>The moon landing was fake
>Not true
>COVID 19 is a hoax
>Not true
>Global warming is not real
>Not true
>Global warming is man made
>Partially true
>The Earth is flat
Not true
>Whites are the superior race
Depends on the dfinition of "white" and "superior"

there's also the half a million more voters in these states than there are registered voters. Of course some people will register on election day, but half a million?
>come on man

Like clockwork.

Nigger, people vote for different parties down ballot all the fucking time. Are you retarded?

Charlie’s pristine pure white anus exudes the most exquisite fragrance

>i want a democrat president, but i also want republicans to try block some of his decisions
>this retarded opinion x100,000

Yes. Half the country doesn't like Trump. There are thousands of Republicans who are part of that other half, enough to narrowly flip certain battleground states. Cry about it all you want but they smoked you niggers good lmao.

Hey retard. What's easier to believe a) I won a $1,000 on a scratch off ticket or b) I won a $1,000,000 on a scratch off ticket? If the fraud were any more obvious they would already be swinging from ropes.

because they are retards and don't even know how to cheat properly

Yes, you fucking smooth brain. If they rock the boat even the RINOs would fight back.
They just want to get orange man out. The rest are part of the whole cabal anyway.

>people go out and vote democrat for president
>but they forgot to vote for senate

Its not the dems as a whole. Its independent groups of people who are counting the ballots and just want their guy to win. Be it Biden or Trump. No mater who "wins" this American politics are in serious trouble.

>Too obvious

Grab Georgia!!!

Desantis forced Broward county to cut the bullshit

No, of course not OP. If a republican told you water was wet you wouldn't believe it


the election is not over and you cannot stop an investigation

>the election is not over
>Here's how Trump can still win!!!1!!!1111!1!111!

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>hazbin tranny is brain-damaged
of course.

Taking more of the senate and house would require WAY more fraud which they were already having to do blatantly. It's already a shitshow and they're literally playing make believe that they won.

How much more time would take to pen one circle then 8. Hopefully, you're willful ignorance gets you killed one day.

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