The "you lost, get over it" crowd from 2016 crying wE WeRe RoBbEd!!!!! like a bunch of snowflakes who can't handle defeat is truly the greatest thing 2020 has given the world. Even more than the outcome of the election itself.
The "you lost...
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Gotta admit, the situation is like pottery. The world just imploded on the poor MAGA cucks. Fucking Joe Biden ass raped them.
According to you and CNN..
Look, sweetie, I'll lay it out for you. I know this will be a hard pill to swallow, that's why we're doing this rectally:
No law requires him to concede.
If the courts rule in Biden's favor, no law requires him to concede.
If the Electoral Colledge elects Biden, no law requires him to concede.
The states will then get to vote based on their delegates. Republicans have more seats.
>Trump is your president for four more years.
Is there anyone doing this though? Most of us just left Zig Forums for a few days because your crowing is insufferable. And the courts still have to do their thing. Just keep in mind that if Trump does somehow still win, you are going to look incredibly retarded for celebrating too soon.
He can't win because it's over. THAT'S where the cope comes in. You still think he has a chance in court lol.
yes, Alito declared that PA had to do the thing that they were already doing. All those ballots weren't counted... and Trump still got BTFO there lol.
>The states will then get to vote based on their delegates. Republicans have more seats.
in what universe?
Why are you concerned about election fraud being investigated, if you are certain none occurred? :)
Nobody is concerned except for the remaining MAGA cockroaches who don't understand how the SCOTUS works.
The difference is the election isn't decided yet. In 2016, it was decided. There was no pending court cases or recounts. Why don't you chill the fuck out until someone other than CNN says the election is over?
Lube up your ass.
>This vote was bullshit, and everyone knows it.
damn son you might wanna see a doctor about all that COPE you got lodged in your skull
The election is over bro. Not because the MSM said so, but because the people said so. Deal with it.
Fortunately your opinion does not matter. The opinions of the GOP legislators in AZ, PA, GA, WI, and MI do.
Article II Section I of the US Constitution:
Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.
Bush vs Gore 2000:
a state legislature “may, if it so chooses, select the electors itself,” and it retains authority to “take back the power to appoint electors,” even if it formerly let the popular vote make the decision.
yeah you keep telling yourself that this is anywhere near comparable to Bush/Gore 2000. Maybe if you cope even harder, your Oculus simultion of SCOTUS overturning the results of the election will become reality lol.
Keep telling yourself that those GOP legislatures and the GOP SCOTUS are going to allow Biden to steal the election through fraud.
Still not sure why you are so excited to have another neocon be your President though. I'd personally rather have Kamala Harris, because while I disagree with her on every metric at least I could be sure she'd shake things up. Biden is just going to get us back to bombing kids in the Middle East. I fail to see any upside.
Kamala would be a CIA puppet like Obie was.
C to the O to the P to the E
Biden won the presidency!
sweet I cannot wait for agenda 2021.
next year will be very exciting. barring we just don't fall into war
far from over. Enjoy your "winning" while you can for the next week or 2.
Children should remain silent.
Oh i'm not, i may have voted for Biden but i'm not expecting much of anything from this presidency. I just wanted to see you faggots cope and seethe like you've never coped and seethed before. Watching this pathetic board crumble and act like the dems in 2016 makes up for so much of 2020's bullshit. This is what you get for ruining the state of Zig Forums memes over the last 4 years.
>still thinking 2020 is anywhere near comparable to 2000
yes because a margin of 500 votes in one state any no clear victory is exactly the same as Trump getting BTFO in like 4 different swing states.
Ok. Well enjoy it while you can I guess.
C to the O to the P to the E
Biden's won the presidency!
Biden's campaign engaged in massive voter fraud, and the only people who need to be convinced of that are the GOP legislators of PA, GA, AZ, WI, and MI.
Do you think that those GOP legislators will choose to believe there was voter fraud, or would they rather commit career suicide?
far from over
A repeat copypasta from a shill.
Your opinion is irrelevant. It's up to the legislatures.
>Biden won the presidency!
So did this guy HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
>Biden's campaign engaged in massive voter fraud
As dictated by debunked conspiracy theories, misleading numbers, and vague out-of-context Youtube videos yes. The SCOTUS truly has no choice but to overturn the will of the people in the face of all these nothingburgers.
Congratulations, you have reached C O P E level 100!