Holy shit, Jesus fucking Christ

Holy shit, Jesus fucking Christ.........
I now officially apologize to all the Hillary Clinton supporters for all the obnoxious trolling I did the days after Trump won
No seriously, I mean it. I fucking mean this. Call me a baiting lib or jew or whatever the fuck else all you want, if you think this is bait then gtfo my goddamn thread. This shit is coming from my heart and my eyes are genuinely burning from trying not to full-on cry right now
I'm a youngfag and I was too young to truly care about the 2008 and 2012 elections. These last two elections were the only ones I actually got invested to
The worst part for me is, I 100% deserve everything I'm feeling now and I know it. That's what really, REALLY sucks. I was laughing my ass off at all the tweets and youtube videos of libs crying/raging over Trump's victory for years. LITERALLY YEARS. I didn't sympathize AT ALL up until right fucking now
This hurts. This actually goddamn hurts, I truly didn't know it could hurt this bad just seeing a favorite politician lose im scared and literally shaking as I write this.

pic unrelated

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I only came here for the pics

XD what a faggot



Uh booba

Also if this isn't a larp you need to toughen the fuck up and get angry instead of crying like a woman

Take a load of this fag

Holy shit, Jesus fucking Christ.........
I now officially apologize to all the Hillary Clinton supporters for all the obnoxious trolling I did the days after Trump won
No seriously, I mean it. I fucking mean this. Call me a baiting lib or jew or whatever the fuck else all you want, if you think this is bait then gtfo my goddamn thread. This shit is coming from my heart and my eyes are genuinely burning from trying not to full-on cry right now
I'm a youngfag and I was too young to truly care about the 2008 and 2012 elections. These last two elections were the only ones I actually got invested to
The worst part for me is, I 100% deserve everything I'm feeling now and I know it. That's what really, REALLY sucks. I was laughing my ass off at all the tweets and youtube videos of libs crying/raging over Trump's victory for years. LITERALLY YEARS. I didn't sympathize AT ALL up until right fucking now
This hurts. This actually goddamn hurts, I truly didn't know it could hurt this bad just seeing a favorite politician lose im scared and literally shaking as I write this.

Holly blog a moly

That does it. I'm hiring an escort.

Nice pasta OP

I will rape the center one

fuck off glownigger goat fucker

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You realize there was a really really good reason we rubbed Clintons supporters noses in the shit od their loss? We werent just doing it for kicks.

good luck finding an escort that doesnt cost an arm and a leg that also looks like one of those girls in pic related.


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lol at the brown incel in the middle


I would permaban anyone in my minecraft server with such skins.

Seen this concern troll pasta before. Get new material shill.

Fuck I love festival turbowhores so much
>inb4 enjoy your chlamydia, herpes etc
I would

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>I'm a youngfag
That's you problem bro, you are not stoic, and not truly based yet.
Trump would never apologise, and neither should you.
-Old Fag


travel. go to eastern europe or SE asia. too expensive in the states for quality

What's the most they could charge? A couple hundred per hour? Do these whores have a flat rate or something?

>this tard post again?
Tell your mom I'm going to start charging her double for the anal intrusions your dad loves to watch me give her.

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why would you get invested in politics so much?

I came here too for some reason. What's the thread about?

>I'm a youngfag
Underage b&. To the gas chambers you go little niglet

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You're right. Redeem yourself with a 12 gauge to the face.


who cares

2/10 try again

lmao what a faggot
I was really annoyed cos I bet 300 quid on Trump and also cos I hate Communists and wanted to see a fair election but CRYING? hahahahaha
Get over it you faggot. It's literally just the election, you'll come to realise that they are all rigged, always have been, Democracy is bullshit, always has been, and the powers that be are the powers that have always been.
You want some real advice? Turn to Christ. Even if you don't believe in any of it, even if it makes you cringe or you can't grasp how it could possibly be true. Do it anyway. Lie to yourself. It instantly removes all effects of blackpill. It is the ultimate coping mechanism.
If you don't want to do that and you can't thicken your skin then prepare to be unhappy forever, just like the SJW's and the rest of those gay as fuck liberals.

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nice b8

Shills are desperate

protip: if you kill yourself the pain will stop

>just lie to yourself

Zig Forums zoomer catholics, folks

Imagine when the courts rule Trump as the victor. You haven't even tried yet...

Sage goes in all shill threads

This is how you spend your day? Spoon-feeding narratives to the npcs?

what the fuck is this post. Get to the point. FUcking zoomers

>mfw those girls are the regular R$200 here, something like U$40

Feels good beeing a brazilian, man