Lefty's! - How would you deal with this?

My fellow libs and Biden fans, how would you react to this?

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>I am unable to formulate an argument so will respond with emotional outbursts
We are dealing with children

god fucking damn it how could you be this ignorant as a leftie

Look at the state of that faggot.

What is it with soi bois acting like tough guys on the internet?

leftism is ignorance

so no answer?

Immigration is a great thing for a country if you allow the intelligent and skilled immigrants to come. For example H1B visas allow immigrants to come her and add to the skilled workforce. Immigration is fine as long as it is legally handled.

thank God lefties like that "guy" won't ever make any kids

He wrote a lot but never said anything of note. He also failed to give a proper answer.

h1b is a massive scam. they have been using it to bring in sub standard people to work for cheap.

Not a lib but it's just an inaccurate. Whites are allowed everywhere except for like a 2 year period in Zimbabwe.

they reproduce through lies and molestation

Yes, but if immigration is GOOD, then why is it ONLY for white countries???? What is our response Biden bros????

Always comparing real life to their fantasy shows and movies

>Star Trek analogy
yep, lefties

>Scene in star trek
I want them all to die tbqhfamalam

>why is it ONLY for white countries?
It's not.

But how does that disprove that?

>star trek

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He forgot number 5, launch Wolfenstein and start le killing nazis xD

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you do know that white peoples passports are like the strongest internationally

>So on my favorite estrogenic manchild TV show.....

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Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt. They're not ignorant. They're parasites. They know exactly how evil they are.

This is actually a very good advice how to deal with lefties.

Of course it is. Every other racial group has borders. White countries have forced open borders, plus mass immigration. Which of course improves our economy. But why are we allowing whites to have THIS??? It helps white countries and harms others by taking their best people.

bullfuckin shit kike


Try legally moving to literally any country and see who tries to stop you. PROTIP: nobody.

The answer is you don't and can't. Europe isn't America and the continent wasn't stolen from anybody. No Somali can ever convince that Northern Europe belongs to them.

Ah yes the bury your head in the sand to things that show your ignorance.

really made me think there

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Why are lefties okay with stealing intellectual stock from developing nations?

>No Somali can ever convince that Northern Europe belongs to them.
There are many swedes that actually believe that.

How long do you think you can keep up this charade?

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> hurr durr you stupid for questioning my stance
Leftists, so tiring. Is this your best?

But could those countries say NO to tens of millions of people do that?
Non-white = yes
white = NO (racist!)

I could easily convince people right to left or left to right. Depends on feelings, both have values.

They're not ignorant, they know exactly what they're doing.