literally a nation surrounded by fish
for real
lefties actually believe it's this simple
>Britain surrounded by water
>Somehow can't stop ten million Pakis reaching the shores
This is now a black appreciation thread
>implying trump is that far right
anyone who thinks biden is a communist has brain damage.
How many times will you spam this you retarded sardinian
nah this is reality
>sucker punching a woman
Checks out
Could have at least faced the bitch
Kek, based longshanks. Irish were defeated by the potato, hahahaa
obsessed with bbc
Trump is a centrist or even center-left.
Crashing this thread with no survivors.
Lets not exagerate
That's a lotta blood. Crakkas bleed a lot
you realize Biden (+Obama) are politically to the right of Trump? they deported more people, they built the cages, they're warhawks AF, and authoritarian domestically.
We’re not mad that we went from right wing to a little less right. We’re mad because we got cheated out by Dems
saved. redpill 'anti-racists'
There's a mega link somewhere with a lot more than I have here
this, last i checked they had the most powerful navy in the world and they can't even sink few boats made from old truck tires
Rapaz, não envergonhes a bandeira
Os eixos que interação são os de corrupção comprometedoras e os de entrega á causa de Israel
Oh? Well fuck I'm already too pissed just from what you've posted to even keep browsing lol. This stuff is visceral, it gets the message through to normies, but I'm too sensitive.
I already wote this in another such post from you shills, but this compass makes no sense. The authright specializes in a critique of cultural decadence, not economic like the libright or the authleft. As such it makes no sense to put dems, who are culturally progressive but adhere to neoliberal economics in the blue quadrant. This is just a big cope from you commies, since identity politics is and will always be more successful than class politics and your representives will at most be socdems.
*interessam, kek
misturei corrupção com interessam