Shitty translation will follow

Le Don, à son fils :
« Ne réplique point, je connais ton amour,
Mais qui peut vivre infâme est indigne du jour ;
Plus l’offenseur est cher, et plus grande est l’offense.
Enfin tu sais l’affront, et tu tiens la vengeance :
Je ne te dis plus rien. Venge-moi, venge-toi ;
Montre-toi digne fils d’un père tel que moi.
Accablé des malheurs où le destin me range,
Je vais les déplorer. Va, cours, vole, et nous venge. »

The Don, to his son :
« But the infamous shall not remain above.
The dearer he is, the greater the offence.
You know the reason, the sword is vengeance,
No more. Avenge yourself, and avenge me;
Show yourself, of this your father, worthy.
Bowed by the ills fate sends to mortal men,
I’ll go lament them. Go, fly: take revenge. »

Attached: barron.jpg (627x899, 105.31K)


Fuck that autistic brat kid. I predict he will be like Claudia Conway and have 100% different political views than his parents (well, at least from his dad)

he has a low testosterone face, genetic signs of a homo or tranny

kill all faggots


Attached: 918DDFCE-1214-458B-AD15-38C6C53E52D5.png (290x429, 311.36K)

Le Cid, Corneille. Superbe extrait mon ami Canadien.

He's 14.

real men actually start puberty.
he doesent even have a beard

Merci cousin, prends soin du vieux pays.

does the Don have a beard though ?