The trump campaign's litigations are gonna fail
The trump campaign's litigations are gonna fail
maybe, if he does turn it to a win they will blame his court stacking
Attention leftists: You are now in a NSA database of right wing radicals. You will be rounded up with the rest of us and sent to re-education camp where you will spend the rest of your life in a cage being fed kibble 'n bits and brainwashed with mkultra mind control.
Says professor who has accepted his local news’ report on election results.
>You will be rounded up with the rest of us and sent to re-education camp
can I get a job rounding people up? are there good bennies?
I'm not American
Ensuring the survival of good values seems to be a pretty good benny fren
>we haven’t seen any irregularities
>except for all the irregularities
you can forget shit that will never happen, I want some on the job perks, how are the doughnuts near the office? any good or just regular?
>"As of now, we haven't seen any indication of systemic irregularities in the vote count."